Chapter 65 Unspeakable terror/Chapter 66 Peace

Start from the beginning

A ripline grips my leg

Ash:you still have abilities in here?!

Valkyr prime?:RRAAAGH!

She pulls me in and punches me in the stomach really hard leaving an indent



Valkyr prime?:....?

Zephyr comes in and tries to stab the Valkyr with the data war


Zephyr/hunhow:so they got there hands on monster.

Ash:what is that?..

Zephyr/ a umbra...

Ash:A what?! What kinda model is that.

Zephyr/hunhow:mutant freaks...

Valkyr prime?:that voice...

She looks enraged

Valkyr prime?:RAAAAGH!

She grips the data war and crushes it


She stabs zephyr in the chest

Zephyr:all...sentients charge around this point....

Ash:...what why?

Zephyr forms another data war

Zephyr/hunhow:this wasn't meant to be here...I think our invasion freed it.

Ash:why not brute force it?

Zephyr/hunhow:I don't know how many sentients it would erase if we did...



She tries to slash at her again the umbra stabs zephyrs hands.


Valkyr umbra:YOU WILL SUFFER!

I start crawling away seeing this won't end well for zephyr. While crawling I watch the fight in the distance.

Valkyr umbra:RAARGH!


Zephyr gets stabbed again but zephyr puts one of stalkers data grenades on her face zephyr hops back


Valkyr umbra:...

Her head explodes her body tilts backwards but doesn't fall over.


Her head re grows but this time it's her whole face hair included she looks like a shriveled up humanoid.

Zephyr/ won't me don't you?

Valkyr umbra:RAAAAGH!

Her helmets grows back completely covering her face as she charges at zephyr a sentient shoots her in the side

Valkyr umbra:GRRRH??!

She jumps on the sentient and rips all of there limbs off it shoots a beam right in her chest but it doesn't even pierce skin

Ash:....holy shit...

I grab onto a sentient floating by as they don't seem to listen to anything but there orders.


She throws a red grenade on the ground making the whole area full of dark red smoke and I see her bust out and grab onto a flying by sentient

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