Chapter 11: Ciri's story part 2

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There I was greeted by Avallac'h. He explained to me that I had to 'pay the debt' referring to the perceived loss to the Aen Elle when Lara Dorren took Cregennan of Lod as her lover. The elves believed that the latter had 'stolen' Elder Blood from them by marrying Lara. To atone for that 'crime' Avallac'h wanted me to beget a child with Auberon Muircetach, the king of the Aen Elle. That being the only way Avallac'h would let me return to my own world.

In Tir Na Lia I finally met Auberon, who many times tries to conceive a child with me, however, he could not - to him, I was just a human, a being of no interest for an Aen Elle. Nevertheless, he was very proud and refused to admit it. Eredin suggested using a 'potion' which would improve Auberon's performance and allow him to conceive a child with me. He also told me the truth that Avallac'h would never let me go. Knowing this, I found help with the unicorns where I also met Little Horse, by then fully grown. The unicorns explained that both Fox and Sparrowhawk had once possessed The Gate of the Worlds, a mystical power known only to those of the Elder Blood but they had lost it. Now they wanted these powers back and for that they needed me. This could not be allowed, however, and the unicorns explained to me how I should escape.

That same day I once again visited Auberon only to find that he had drunk the 'potion' given to him by Eredin

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

That same day I once again visited Auberon only to find that he had drunk the 'potion' given to him by Eredin. It happened to be too strong and killed Auberon. That night I attempted to escape Tir Na Lia and its barrier by using a boat and swimming with the river's current. I was stopped by Eredin who then revealed his true intentions, being the same as Avallac'h's. The two battled and I proved victorious due to the elf's underestimation of my abilities - I wounded him and threw him into the river. Later on, I mounted Kelpie and rode away from Tir Na Lia. I came across a huge pile of bones.

To her horror, I realized that the skulls had human teeth making them a pile of human bones. It had been a human world until the elves led by Fox and Sparrowhawk arrived and killed them all - this also would be the fate of other worlds, including your world and mine, should Avallac'h and Eredin succeed in once again harnessing the power of time and space.

 It had been a human world until the elves led by Fox and Sparrowhawk arrived and killed them all - this also would be the fate of other worlds, including your world and mine, should Avallac'h and Eredin succeed in once again harnessing the power ...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Little Horse urged me to jump to another world - the only way to escape. I, however, didn't know how. The unicorn became her guide and they jumped. This led to the manifestation of my strongest power, giving me the title of The Lady of the Worlds. That power allowed me to traverse space and time at will. I eventually find my own world after many tries and travels to Stygga Castle to give myself to Vilgefortz in exchange for Yennefer's freedom. However, when I arrive there, he refuses to release Yennefer and instead reveals his plan to impregnate me and use my placenta to gain access to the Elder Blood. I was saved by Geralt and his Hansa and later Nilfgaard under the command of Emperor Emyhr var Emeris himself. While Emyhr reveals to Geralt that he too intends to impregnate me, after sending Geralt and Yennefer away, he instead informed me that he is my father and leaves Stygga Castle.

After traveling to Vengerberg, Yennefer and I were invited to the Lodge of Sorceresses, where they revealed their plans to send me to Kovir under a false name to have a child with Tankred Thyssen, the only son of Esteread Thyssen

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

After traveling to Vengerberg, Yennefer and I were invited to the Lodge of Sorceresses, where they revealed their plans to send me to Kovir under a false name to have a child with Tankred Thyssen, the only son of Esteread Thyssen. I expressed that I wishes to think it over as I travels to the Rivia as I has already agreed to meet Geralt there, but Philippa Eilhart proclaimed that my ability to leave Montecalvo and travel to Rivia is dependent on what the Lodge decides, so she put it to a vote; Sheala de Tancarville, Sabrina Glevissig, Keira Metz, and Assire var Anahid voted against my leaving Montecalvo, while Triss, Margarita Laux-Antille, Francesca Findabair, Ida Emean aep Sivney, Fringilla Vigo, and Philippa Eilhart herself voted in favor of letting me leave. I then traveled with Yennefer and Triss to Rivia.

We arrive in Rivia in the midst of the Rivian Pogrom, and I rushed into the crowd to try and find Geralt

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

We arrive in Rivia in the midst of the Rivian Pogrom, and I rushed into the crowd to try and find Geralt. After Yennefer and Triss release a hailstorm on the city and stop the riot, we found Geralt impaled and bleeding out on the ground. After yelling at Yennefer because my magic is unable to save Geralt, Little Horse appears on the lakeshore and points to a boat; I put an unconscious Geralt and Yennefer in the boat and got in it with them.

They managed to resurrect them and then "moved" them to the legendary Avalon island.

I left them and went on my journey, but the Hunt to catch my scent. They followed me ever since, sometimes being only a moment behind me.

Escape the Wild Hunt (Book 1 of Ciri's Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن