Chapter 3: Spirit of Valor

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Cirilla decides to prepare further for the battle and proceed westwards. The path will open up again. She sees another vase of orbs and a Twisted Structure at her right. To the left, there is a spirit of Valor.

"Another mortal thrown into the flames and left to burn, I see. Your mages have devised a cowardly test. Better you were pitted against each other to prove your mettle with skill than to be sent unarmed against a demon."

"You know why I'm here?"

"You are not the first sent here for such testing. Nor shall you be the last, I suspect. That you remain means you have not yet defeated your hunter. I wish you a glorious battle to come."

"What kind of spirit are you?"

"I am Valor, a warrior spirit. I hone my weapons in search of the perfect expression of combat."

"What else do you know about the Harrowing?"

"Is that what your test is called? I know little of your mortal ways. I do know that a demon has been called and told that a meal awaits. It cannot leave until one of you is dead."

"Did you create all of these weapons?"

"They are brought into being by my will. I understand that in your world, mages are the only ones who can will things into being. Those mortals who cannot lead such hollow empty lives."

"Would one of these weapons affect the demon?"

"Without a doubt. In a realm, everything that exists is the expression of a thought, like your sword. Do you think these blades be steel? Are the staves wood? Do you believe they draw blood? A weapon is a single need for a battle, and my will makes that need reality. Do you truly desire one of my weapons? I will give one to you...if you agree to duel me, first. Valor shall test your mettle as it should be tested."

"I am no warrior. I would be no match against you!"

"Then what match would be against the demon? At least I would give you an honorable death, and not devour your essence like a greedy child."

"And what are the rules of this duel?"

"If I believe you capable of slaying the demon, I will stop the duel and give you the staff. If I find you unworthy, I will slay you. I thrust those rules are simple enough o remember, mortal?"

"I agree to your duel, Valor."

"As you wish, mortal. Do you understand the rules I explained to you?"

"Yes, I understand."

"Our duel begins now. Fight with Valor!"

Ciri takes the position in front of the spirit. She didn't really need the staff but it could be a good training. She uses a spell "Weakness" before beginning the famous moves of the Witcher. It proves to be useful.

"Enough. Your strength is sufficient to the task. The staff is yours."

The young witcher didn't trust the spirit of an ex-templars.

"Of course it is"

And she kills him before continues her journey into the Fade.

She crosses the road of a few spirit wolves at the far west of the battle place and further she meets a Sloth demon in the shape of a bereskarn

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She crosses the road of a few spirit wolves at the far west of the battle place and further she meets a Sloth demon in the shape of a bereskarn.

"Hmm... so you are the mortal being hunted? And the small one... is he to be a snack for me?" said the demon.

"I don't like this. He's not going to help us. We should go..." said Mouse.

The Sloth demon sniffs.

"No matter. The demon will get you eventually, and perhaps there will even be scraps left."

"What kind of spirit are you?" asks Ciri, but it's Mouse, who answers.

"It's a demon. Maybe even more powerful than the one chasing after you"

"Begone! Surely you have better things to do than bother Sloth, mortal. I tire of you already."

"Why are you called Sloth? What are you?"

"I am a spirit of Sloth, a creature of the Fade... unlike yourself. Mortals are ever the visitors here. Still, you serve your function. Only the mortals like yourself are truly annoying."

"Mortals like myself?"

"You are... aware. A mortal with power and will. The sort of creature that some spirits... hunger for. I might be inclined to such a meal, myself. It would be interesting to see the mortal world through your eyes, live inside your form... but I am inclined to begin such a struggle."

"So you're a demon?"

"As you, mortals might term it. But not all demons are demons. Worry about the one hunting you."

"I need help defeating a demon."

"Your sword seems really nice" The demons yawns. "Why would you need me? Go, use your weapon since you have earned it. Be valorous."

"He looks powerful. It might be possible that he could... teach you to be like him."

"Like me? You mean to teach the mortal to take this form? Why? Most mortals are too attached to their forms to learn the change."

"You, on the other hand, little one, might be a better student. You let go of the human form years ago."

"I... don't think I'd make a very good bear. How would I hide?"

"You could help me fight the demon," responds Ciri.

"It's true. I am quite powerful in this form... when I wish to be."

"I... welcome the opportunity, if it is my choice. The mages in the tower are quick to volunteer others, as you well know. I'll try. I'll try to be a bear. If you'll teach me."

"That's nice. But teaching is so exhausting. Away with you now."

Mouse sighs. " I told you he wasn't going to help us."

"Mouse wants to learn. Teach him."

"You wish to learn my form, little one? Then I have a challenge for your friend."

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