"I wanted to give this to you"

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Jimin walked to his home.

When he arrived,he heard noises,something breaks and crashes inside his house.

He hurriedly entered and he saw his mother lying at the floor.

Her looks portrays pain and hurt that she felt.

Jimin ran and help his mother when suddenly Yoongi grabbed Mrs.Min and pushed Jimin.

"Where do you hide your money?!",Yoongi yelled at her.

Jimin pushed Yoongi until he fell.

"Hyung,are you crazy?!How could you do that to your mother?!Are you insane?!",Jimin walked back to his mother  when Yoongi pulled Jimin.

Yoongi curled his hand into a fist and aimed for the front of jimin's nose.

Yoongi's fist hit the bridge of jimin's nose.

His blood splattered all over the floor.

He almost kneeled when Yoongi hit Jimin's stomach with his thigh.

Jimin fell on the floor in pain.

Mrs.Min reached a phone nearby to call for help but Yoongi pushed his mother and pulled a bracelet at her right hand.

Yoongi stepped on Jimin and walked out from the house.

Mrs min hurriedly ran to Jimin and hugged him.

"Are you ok,son?im very sorry i cant protect you",tears burst forth like water from a dam,spilling down her face.

Jimin stood then ran out from his house.

Rain poured heavily but now he only thought of his failure to protect his mother and his miserable life that he wish he wanted to end it.

Tears of pain running down his cheeks as he running through the rain.

His vision was blurry,it was difficult for him to see clearly but then he realized he was standing at the corner of the street.

Cars was passing and he felt like he want to end it.

He decided to walk when suddenly he felt like something above him.

He looked back and he saw Hara was holding an umbrella to protect him from the rain.

"Dont you ever dare done that",Hara warned.

"How do you know im here?",he asked her.

"I got a phone call from the phone that i bought for you but theres no one.I only heard punches,screams and crying sounds.Maybe Auntie Min accidentally tapped to speaker on",Hara explained.

He looked at her and he suddenly hugged Hara while crying.

He mumbled incoherent things through his hands and choked on his sobs.

Hara hugged him back and patted his back.

"Everything's gonna be fine.trust me",Hara tried to comfort him.

He had wiped his eyes so much they were red and swollen.


Hara accompanied Jimin to his home while Taehyung and Mrs Min was there waiting for them to come home.

When both of them arrived,Mrs Min ran to jimin and hugged him,

"Jimin,please dont leave me.I only have you.I have no one except you",shes crying while jimin's lips sealed with his eyes looked down on the floor.

"Luckily,his nose doesnt break and theres no serious injuries but i think he need rest.Let me help him walk to his room",Hara explained to Mrs Min.

Hara walked to Jimin but then Taehyung stopped her,

"Dont worry Hara,i'll help jimin.You just sit here with Mrs Min,"Taehyung talked to her and hurriedly walked to Jimin to help him walked to his room.

"Thank you Hara for everything and im sorry for disturbing you at this hour.I also called you but i...",

"never mind,as long as both of you are safe",she interrupted.

Mrs Min hugged her and she wiped her tears.

"Im very glad Jimin had a friend like you.After we moved here,he doesnt have any friend and his brother kept on making problems.Sometimes i felt like Jimin is my biological son and not Yoongi.Jimin really took care of me and listen to me.Thank you for being Jimin's friend",Mrs Min smiled at Hara.


Taehyung help Jimin laid on his bed.

"Are you ok?"Taehyung asked Jimin.

Jimin didnt answered and ignored him.

Taehyung looked away and saw the phone that Hara bought for jimin.

There's also some bandages,patches, medicine and ointment.

"Are all of this from Hara?",Taehyung asked.

Jimin looked at Taehyung and slightly nodded.

"What about the chocolate bar?Is that also from her?",Taehyung asked.

"Nope.I think you can go now.I can do anything by myself.",Jimin told Taehyung.

Taehyung looked at Jimin and smiled.

"Im glad that chocolate bar not from her.Besides,i hope you can mind your attitude and take care of yourself.I just dont like the fact that Hara too obsessed with you and took care of you.I dont want you to disturb her.You just live with your miserable life while me and Hara can live with our own life",Taehyung warned jimin but Jimin just continue ignored him.

Taehyung left the room then Hara and Taehyung go back home.

The truth untold/The undelivered truth jimin ffWhere stories live. Discover now