"i cant come to you"

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Hara ran to jimin.

"I bought some food from the cafeteria.Lets eat together".

Jimin want to leave but Hara held his hand tightly to stop him.

"Sit down!",Hara ordered him then she laughed.

Jimin sighed before he sat back.

"Try this,i really love this sandwich.Eat this.It can bring energy to you so you will not hurt easily".

Jimin looked at Hara then have a bite.

Hara felt happy as he finished the sandwich and smiled a bit.

"After school,me and Taehyung want to go to the arcade.you must join us!we can enjoy after dealing with those homeworks.Dont forget!".

Jimin slightly nodded and you smiled.


"Hara,lets go.wait are you waiting for?i cant wait to play!",Taehyung pulled her hand.

"Wait,i ask Jimin to follow us,where is he?",Hara's eyes bewildered looking for Himin that doesnt show up.

"Who's Jimin?",Taehyung asked and let off her hand,he suddenly became quiet.

"You dont remember him?He's the one that i saved before.He's my classmates.Hes quite shy so i would like to invite him with us so we can be friends."Hara answered with a smile while continue looking for him.


After 30 minutes,he still doesnt show up.

"Hara,i think we better go.its already late.c'mon,lets go home",Taehyung tried to persuade her.

Hara still want to wait but she felt pity for Taehyung so she decided to go home with him.

The truth untold/The undelivered truth jimin ffWhere stories live. Discover now