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Ant opened the door to see his friend, Dr Beckett. "Hi Charlie mate, long time no see aye" said Ant as they hugged briefly. "That's quite a good thing considering my job" said Charlie. "Yeah I guess" replied Ant.

"Last time I think I've seen you was when you came to check up Dec a day after his motorbike accident" Ant said. "Yeah, guess so. So, anyway, Dec's ill you say?" Charlie Asked. "Yeah. It's a fluey thing. He's been really ill with it" said Ant. "Aw, it's unlike Dec to get so ill. What are some of his symptoms?" Charlie asked.

"He's just, really not very well. Where do I start?." Ant said. "Would you prefer me to ask you a range of symptoms off a checklist?" Asked the doctor. "Yeah, that would be much better thanks" Ant said. Dr Beckett took out his clipboard.

"Is Dec up? I could ask him personally how he feels so I can diagnose him more accurately" the doctor said. "Umm, I don't know if he's awake or not. I'll check" said Ant. Before he could walk up, Ali came down.

"Aw hello, didn't know you were here" said Charlie. "Yeah sorry I was just looking after Dec" she said. "Aw ok, thanks love. Is Dec awake?" Asked the doctor. "Sorry, he's just drifted off. He's absolutely knackered" said Ali.

"Aw that's fine. I'll let him rest" said Charlie. "He's not really with it anyway, so he probably isn't going to be able to concentrate on the checklist" admitted Ali

"it's fine. You know his symptoms anyway so I'll just read them out to you two. Right, I'm go by to ask u a list of symptoms. You can answer: definitely no, no, in the middle, yes, definitely yes or I don't know. Do you want me to go through it again?" Asked Charlie.

"I think we got it thanks" sniggered Ant. "You'll be surprised of the amount of people who get me to go through it again and again" said Charlie.

"Does he have a sore throat at all?" He asked. "Definitely yes" said Ali. "Has he got a cough?" He asked. "Ooh definitely yes" said Ali. "Headache?" he asked. "Definitely yes" said Ali and Ant in union. "Blocked sinuses and running nose?" "Definitely yes" said Ali. "Head or body aches?" He asked. "Definitely yes" said Ant. "Which one, body or head?" Asked Charlie. "Both" said Ant. "Ok, righto. Does he have hot or cold chills?" "Definitely yeah, for the cold one. He's practically shivering with cold" said Ali. "And, last one, tiredness?" Asked Charlie. " 100% Definitely yes" said Ali.

Charlie lowered his clipboard. "So literally 'definitely yes' for every symptom?" He asked, smirking. "Definitely yes" replied Ali. They all sniggered.

"So, you think it's flu?" Asked Ant. "Yes, I think we can safely say it's quite a nasty flu bug he's got. I'm gonna need to see him and run a few tests though to be sure. He still asleep?" Asked Charlie. "Yeah I think so" she replied. "Ok, don't wake him. It's important to let him sleep to recover" said Charlie.

"Ok. you think he's too ill for BGT?" Asked Ant. "Well, I could only know that when i run a few tests" said the doctor. Ant and Ali stared at each over. "But you said it was flu. A nasty flu bug I think was your exact wording" said Ant.

"Yes, but if he's coming to end of his bug, he's no longer infectious. If BGT isn't until a few days anyway, he may be fine by then. But I can only determine that if I examine him" the doctor says.

"Ok, can I just speak to you quickly Ali?" Asked Ant. They both left the room forcing a smile each. Ant firmly closed the door. "Ok, we've got to wake up Dec" whispered Ant. "No, you heard what he said, that we should let him rest to speed along the recovery" said Ali.

"Ali, we both know Dec is a long way off being well. The doctor will see that too if he examines him. Come one, just wake him up softly" said Ant. "Wha, me? Why do I have to wake him up?" Asked Ali. "Cos you've got this, soft woman's touch that can wake Dec up softly. Come on, just wake him" said Ant.

Ali thought about it, she knew Dec would only not do BGT if an actual doctor says he can't. And she knew she had to be cruel to be kind. "Ok, but it's your fault if he becomes more ill" said Ali. "We both know he's as ill as he's gonna get. Just go, quick, now" said Ant as he heard the door opening.

"You alright?" Asked Charlie suspiciously. "Yeah, we think we... we think we just heard Dec sneezing so Ali's checking he's ok" said Ant. "Oh ok" said Charlie.

Ali walked in to see Dec, cosy and snuggly under the duvet. She felt incredibly guilty as she gently rocked him to wake up. His eyes fluttered open. "Wha?" He whispered. "Hi darling, sorry to wake you. It's just the doctor's here to check up on you" she said. "Doctor?" Dec croaked. "Don't need no doctor" he said. Just as the, Charlie came in.

"Hello Declan, Sorry you haven't been feelings well" said Charlie. "Its kay, I'm fine, really" Dec whispered before coughing slightly. "Don't speak sweetie, every time you talk you cough. Don't irritate your throat" Ali said.

"Ok Dec, can I just take your temperature? Answer by nodding or shaking your head, understand?" Said Charlie. Dec nodded. "Sorry , is that yes you understand or yes you're fine for me to take your temperature?" Charlie laughed. "Both" Dec whispered.

After a range of tests, the doctor sat up from the bed. "So, is he well enough for BGT?" Asked Ant. The doctor thought.

"My medical opinion is that Dec..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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