Oh So Poorly

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It took Ali quite some time to drift off. Dec was sniffing and snoring slightly in his sleep, and she could hear him shiver as he breathed. Ali felt quite cold herself, as Dec had subconscious taken up about 80% of the duvet, but she didn't mind.

She finally fell asleep, but was soon woken up by coughing. Dec was coughing as quietly as possible, but was shaking the bed. They sounded so painful, Ali had to resist herself from massaging the back of his neck.

She knew Dec was trying to be quiet so he doesn't wake her up, and she knew Dec would feel like such a nuisance if he knew she had been woken up.

After the coughing fit, Dec was trying to get comfortable again, but was quietly whining in discomfort. Dec finally settled and started to drift off again. Soon after however, he felt a sneeze coming.

He didn't want to sneeze and wake Ali up, but he also didn't have energy to get out of bed and sneeze out the room. Dec tried to keep back his sneeze. He pinched his nose, trying to keep himself from being too loud, and sneezed discretely.

It made the bed shake slightly. He started to drift off again, but his nose felt ticklish again. He sneezed, holding his nose again. He knew his body wanted him to clear his sinuses and knew keeping back the sneezes was not doing his nose any good. But he didn't want to wake up Ali.

Little did Dec know, Ali was wide awake. Her heart broke to hear him so ill. Dec has always been the type of man to carry on when he is poorly, and isn't a sufferer of the deadly 'Man Flu'. She hated hearing him suffer.

All Dec wanted to do was go to sleep, but he felt his body was being deliberately annoying. He felt another sneeze come, and held his nose. He sneezed, making the bed shake again. It didn't matter how quiet Dec was trying to be, Ali headed every one.

Dec felt dreadful. His sinuses were so blocked up he could barely breathe and he was absolutely knackered. Dec reached for his bed side cabinet and he pulled out a tissue in the box. He wiped his sore nose and coughed softly into it.

He dried to (yet again) go to sleep, but he again felt the urge to sneeze. He tried to hold it back, but this time, his body beat him. He let out a big sneeze into the tissue. Even thought he felt drained, Dec dragged his tired body out of bed.

He pulled out a couple more tissues and he quietly left the room. Ali, still awake, felt so concerned. "He's really poorly" Ali kept thinking.

Dec felt coldness hit him as soon as he got out of bed. Dec dragged his tired legs across the corridor. With every step, his whole body ached. Dec blew his nose, which made is sinuses feel a bit clearer then before, but not that much.

Dec let off another sneeze before quietly walking back into the room. He shuddered and shivered as he got back into bed. He felt freezing, and Ali could hear his teeth chattering.

Ali couldn't hold back.

"You alright darling" she whispered as she smoothed Dec's back. His back felt like ice. "Oh god, did my sneezing and coughing wake you darling? I'm so sorry?" He asked, sounding so stuffy he sounded more like "oh god, did by steezin add coughid wake du, darlid?".

"Don't worry about me, love. You doing ok?" She asked, smoothing his cold forehead. He felt slightly sweaty, a cold sweat. "You feel so cold, Decky, do you want me to re-fill your water bottle?" She asked, sympathetically. "No thanks love. I just need...I just need to slee..".

Dec began before nodding back into sleep. He started snoring stuffily. Ali didn't mind - as long as he was finally sleeping. Ali soon drifted off after that


Ali woke up to the sound of birds tweeting. She turned to her left. 9:46. She knew she had a busy day ahead of her, so she knew she was going to have to get up.

She turned to her right. Dec unfortunately didn't look any better. He looked actually worse than ever.

Dec looked as white as the white duvet that was wrapped against his chest. His breathing sounded wheezy and croaky. Ali could see his teeth were slightly chattering and his face was drenched in sweat.

Ali quietly got up. Dec stirred slightly, sniffing, but then carried on sleeping, breathing slowly. Ali gently placed her hand of Dec's forehead. He felt as if he had just got climbed Mount Everest in the snow. She gently kissed his forehead and quietly got dressed.

Ali walked into the kitchen and made herself cereal and juice. She then proceeded to make Dec breakfast. He usually has toast, but Ali thought it may hurt his sore throat so decided to make him porridge instead. When she sat down ready to eat, she got out her phone

She googled Flu symptoms
Cough? Tick
Headache? Tick
Blocked/ Runny Nose? Tick
Sorethroat? Tick
Weakness? Tick
Tiredness? Tick
Cold or Hot Chills? Big fat tick

Ali put down her phone and sighed. Just at that, Rocky walked in. "Your poor daddy isn't very well Rocks, is he?" She asked, stroking him. "Time for your walk, is it, is it? We can get some medicine to make daddy feel better while we're at it", She said to Rocky, rubbing his tummy.

"I just need to write a note for daddy" she said. She got out a pad and pen.

Morning Darling
I've just popped out to give Rocks a walk, I'll be back about half 10.
I've got you some porridge in the oven. If you don't want it, I'll make you something else when I get home
Love you lots Xxx

She tore the note out the pad and slowly opened the bedroom door. Dec hadn't moved a bit and was still fast asleep. Ali knew he must be exhausted, as he is usually wide awake by 8.

She placed the note beside his pillow and kissed his cold head. Ali worried the kiss was too hard, but he didn't budge and was still absolutely fast asleep.

She slowly walked down the stairs. "Let's leave daddy in peace to sleep" she whispered as she put on her coat, attached the lead to Rocky's collar and locked the house behind her.

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