Alright Mate?

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Ali woke with a start. She could hear Ding Dong'...'Ding Dong'. She knew it was the doorbell. She looked at her side and was thankful to see Dec still fast asleep.

She felt reluctant to get up, but she knew she had to answer the door before it woke Dec up. She carefully got up, holding onto Dec's side. She gently laid Dec down on the sofa, praying he would stay asleep. He looked so peaceful and relaxed.

This was the first time since Dec came down with the flu that he had been able to sleep without coughing or sneezing. She was pleased the flu pill seemed to be taking effect and Dec was able to have a long, deep nap.

The door bell rang again. Dec stirred slightly, sniffing. But he thankfully didn't wake up. Ali carefully placed the blanket around his cold body. His skin looked paler then ever, and he had massive circles under his eyes. She ran her fingers through his messy, slightly sweaty hair.

"My poor Decky. Your really not well, are you?" she whispered, kissing his forehead. The door bell went off again. "Bloody cold callers" thought Ali as she made her way to the door. Dec was still fast asleep, so she kissed him gently on his cold head and went to the door and opened it.

"Ok, ok! We're in, what do you-" she started and was surprised to see Ant standing there. "Ant? What are you doing here? Sorry that sounded a bit rude. Just, I thought you were a cold caller or something" said Ali.

"Sorry Ali, I just thought you couldn't hear me. We did both agree to meet at this time to discuss Dec and BGT and that" said Ant. "oh, god, yeah. Sorry, I completely forgot about that." Said Ali. "It's ok...So, how is Dec?" Ant Asked. Ali shook her head.

"Not good I'm afraid. It's definitely the flu. I've never seen him like this, he so tired and drained out. All the years I've known him, even before we where together, he always has so much energy and life, even when he's ill. Even the day after his birthday and he was heavily hung over, he came to that meeting with a smile on his face, despite feeling like crap. I've never seen him so poorly" Ali said.

Ant sighed. "Aw, poor Dec. Can I talk to him, tell him to get well soon and that" Ant Asked. "Sorry, love, he's fast asleep on the sofa. Hopefully the pills will have taken effect and he will be able to have a undisturbed rest without coughing or sneezing in his sleep" Ali said, looking down.

"Aw, Declan. Don't worry though, he'll bounce back soon. You know Dec. When he wee teenagers, I remember he had really bad salmonella poisoning from a dodgy chicken kebab. But despite feeling like shit, he was back filming for Byker Grove 2 weeks before the doctor recommended. That's Dec, always just 'gets on' with being ill. So I'm sure he'll be right as rain soon" said Ant.

"That makes me worry more. Dec always 'gets on' with being sick and never takes naps, sick days or stays in bed when he feels poorly. This means he must feel absolutely dreadful to be sleeping the the day and staying in his dressing gown, cause he never does it, not even when he was a kid and had food poisoning" said Ali. Ant nodded sadly.

"Do you want us to come back another time love? We could re arrange the meeting." Asked Ant. Ali thought about it. "No, pet, along as we're quiet, we'll be fine. Mind you, he's in such a deep sleep I don't think even a hurricane would wake him up" laughed Ali. Ant chuckled.

They made their way inside. Ant was hit by how hot the house was, it felt like a sauna. "Sorry if it's a bit hot, Dec is having really cold chills so I've made it nice and toasty" whispered Ali. "No, it's fine" whispered Ant.

Ant could hear Dec quietly snoring and sniffing in his sleep in the next room. "Can I see him?" Ant whispered, "promise I'll be dead silent". Ali smiled. "Go on then" she whispered. Ant slowly opened the door. The sight broke his heart.

Dec was lying on the sofa, cuddling his hot water bottle and blanket. Ant couldn't believe how pale he looked. His nose looked red and sore. His chest was slowly rising up, and down as he quietly snored and sniffed in his sleep.

"Wow, you weren't exaggerating. He looks really rough. Bless him" Ant whispered a little too load. Rocky, hearing Ant's voice, jumped from the bottom of his dressing gown and lunged himself on Dec.

Dec stirred and coughed slightly as his eyes fluttered open. "Rocky! You silly boy, you woke your daddy" said Ant. Dec sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Hi Ant, you alright mate? What brings you hear?" he whispered. It sounded more like "Hi Add,you albight bate? What brings you ear?".

"Oh, me? I'm fine thanks. But are you fine? You look really rough mate" Ant said, sitting down. "Thanks" Dec chuckled. Ant chuckled too. "I'm here because me and Ali are gonna talk about BGT and that. Aye, I knew you were ill when we played golf" said Ant. "Aye, so did I" Dec replied.

"Then why didn't you tell me, mate?" Ant Asked. Dec shrugged his tired shoulders. "Dunno, guess I didn't want you to worry about us. I didn't really want to attention, and I...I..." Dec said before sneezing. Ant picked up the box on the table and passed it to him.

"Thanks" Dec said as he pulled one out, He sleepily blew his nose. He blew his nose softly, as he didn't have the energy to blow his nose with any power. "You wanna go to sleep again, mate?" said Ant.

"No no, I'll stay awake. Correction. I'll try to stay awake" Dec chucked softy as he rubbed his eyes and blinked them hard in an attempt to wake himself up. Dec's teeth chattered slightly and began to slightly shudder. Ant saw this, and picked up the blanket and wrapped it around his sick friend.

"You get some rest son. Don't worry, we'll fill you in with any BGT info" Ant said. Ant expected Dec it object, but he gave in to the temptation to sleep. "All'ite" Dec mumbled, as she began to fall asleep.

Ant laid his poorly friend down the sofa. Dec fell back to sleep as soon as Ant laid him down. He started snoring, sniffly.

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