Hey Fever

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On a beautiful summer day, Ant and Dec were enjoying a golf match. Ant noticed Dec kept sniffing and sneezing, but didn't mention it. He didn't want to make Dec embarrassed.

After an hour of golf, the lads went to the cafe to relax and have a bite to eat. Ant could see in the lighting that Dec looked pale, too.

"You alright?" asked Ant. Dec looked around. "Yeah, I'm fine, why?" Dec replied in a slightly croaky voice. "Oh, no reason. Only, you sound like your coming down with something, like a cold" replied Ant. Dec smiled.

"Ah, typical, you're trying to convince me I'm ill so we can stop playing, when you know I have this one in the bag" said Dec, laughing. "No, no mate! I'm just, I'm just a bit concerned about you" replied Ant, worried.

"Ah, you big softie. It's ok, it's just a bit of hay fever, honest. Was fine before I left the house" said Dec in a slightly croaky voice. "Ah, right" said Ant, relieved.

"Hey fever, of course, didn't think about that, It is the middle of summer and all" said Ant. Ant thought for a moment. "What's up?" asked Dec. "Nothing, no, it's nothing. It's just, I didn't think you get hey fever. In all the 25 years of known you, you've never had hey fever" said Ant.

Dec looked awkward and paused. "Don't worry yourself. I, I did when I was a kid, been fine since the age of 11. I used to get it before I met you, that's why you've never seen it" said Dec. Ant didn't look convinced.

"Strange its come back after, like, 30 years!" Said Dec, sniffing. "Yeah, unusual" replied Ant. Dec looked at Ant and smiled. "It's nothing to worry about, mate. I'm fine, honest. It's just hay fever, you don't have to, you know, over analyse me or anything" said Dec.
Ant stoped looking concerned and smiled.

"Right, sorry mate, I'll stop patronising you. You're a grown man! I'm acting like your mam!" laughed Ant. "It's *sniff* it's fine Ant. Nice to, nice to have someone to care for you *sniff*, you know?" Said Dec, sniffing. Ant looked worried again

"I'm *sniff* fine. Don't give us that look again! It's *sniff* only a bit of hay fever. Not the end *sniff* of the world though. I can always take ta...take ta.." Dec sneezed into a tissue.

"Sorry, I was saying I can take tablets to avoid this. I'm fine" said Dec, coughing.

Ant looked worried again. "I think it's probably best we go home, if you're this bad after only an hour. We need to get you away from all the grass and pollen, I don't want you to get any worse. I'll forfeit, you win" said Ant.

"No, no! I'm *sniff* fine, honest I am! Just *sniff* give me a minute to clear me throat and blow me nose, and I'll be right as rain, *sniff* promise. Just one more round?" Said Dec. Ant hesitated.

"I suppose one more round really wouldn't do you much harm. If you're sure you're ok" said Ant. "Honest I'm....ahh... I'm fine..ahh..achooooo!" Said Dec, sneezing into a tissue. "Clearly" chucked Ant.

"Nah, that was just unfortunate timing" laughed Dec. "Ok, you know you're body more then anyone else, and you say you're ok. So let's do one more round!" said Ant, picking up his coat. "Yeah, let's go!" Said Dec, holding back a sneeze.

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