Tea Break

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Hi! I just want to apologise for not uploading ages. I've had loads of exams so I was revising long hours into the day and night. After my exams ended I went travelling for almost a month with my friends 😊
I didn't have the time to write, but now I finished my exams and traveling so I can finally upload more. I'm sorry if I've annoyed anybody.

Ali waited patiently as she watched Ant talk to his doctor on the phone. "Hmm...ok...right....aw, really?... yeah good...right...6:30...wait one second" Ant said and lowered the phone from his mouth. "Dr Beckett says he can pop over at half six. That sound good?" He whispered. Ali gave him a thumbs up.

"Yeah that's great. Ok, yeah. Thanks Charlie. See you then, bye" Ant said as he finished the phone call. Ant put his phone back into his pocket. He checked his watch. 5:43.

"Apparently there's been loads of patients with the same symptoms of Dec. His waiting list is choc full" said Ant. "Is it? How come we got an appointment so early?" Ali asked. "He said there's been a cancellation. But apparently the same flu bug is going around, so at least we know it's just the flu and nothing more serious" said Ant. Ali nodded.

Their attention drew to the sound of coughing from their bedroom. Ali frowned at Ant. "Bless him" she said as she walked over to the room. She gently opened the door to see Dec sitting at the end of his bed, eyes dropping as he smoothed his hand over his chest in an attempt to stop his coughing.

"Sweetie. Want some water?" Ali asked. "No...no thanks love. I...I got some al'edy. Not helping dough. It's dust hurting by...the coldness, making throat feel awful ...' Dec began to say before coughing some more.

"I'll make you a tea if the water's too cold sweetie. Just have to ask" she said. Dec looked at her with tired, bloodshot eyes. He smiled. "What will I do without you?" He whispered. Ali smiled and nuzzled his hair as she made her way downstairs. She jumped when she saw a figure in the kitchen.

"Sorry Ant, forgot you were here. Nearly jumped out of my skin" she laughed. "Aw sorry love, I was just making tea if that's ok" he asked. "Yeah that's great, just what I came down for in fact" she said. "Here" said Ant as he passed her tea in her purple mug.

"Thanks" She said as she slyly poured her tea into Dec's Newcastle United mug. "One min" she said as she left the kitchen. She made her way upstairs where she found Dec waiting patiently for his tea, trying his hardest to stay awake.

"Here. It's still a bit hot though" She said, sitting next to him. "Cheers love" Dec said. He began coughing again, softly. "Sweetheart, you look like you've lost the will to live" Ali laughed. Dec smiled softly, but every cough was so painful. Ali rubbed his back as he coughed. Dec's throat started to settle down.

"I think I just shouldn't talk, every time a talk I seem to cough" he whispered. He started coughing again. "See, I rest my case" he said in between coughing. "Stay quiet then, silly" Ali laughed.

"Now, you're tea feels cooler" she said, passing it to him. Dec drank from it. "Aw, that's lovely" he said. Dec's coughing stopped completely. Dec had another long sip. "I think I might try drifting to sleep again, I'm absolutely knackered. Strange though, I've sat on my arse all day and I had plenty night sleep" he said.

"It's because your under the weather, darling" she said. Dec opened his mouth to speak again. "Shhhhh... don't speak, rest your voice. You can finally sleep now you've stopped coughing your little lungs out" Ali said.

Dec nodded as he slipped under the duvet. Ali tucked him in slightly as she ran her fingers though his hair. "Night night"she whispered as she closed the door.

Just as she came out the bedroom, she heard the door knock. She checked her watch. 6:32. The doctor has arrived.

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