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Dec tried his hardest to stay awake, but it was resulting as quite a challenge. He could feel his eyes fall heavy and had to keep opening them up wide everything they dropped.

He wasn't at all aware of what was happening in the tv show; his main focus was trying to fight the massive temptation to drift off to sleep. Ali also wasn't fully watching the tv; she was worried about Dec.

She is used to Dec talking during tv about what he thinks will happen next, and Ali usually has to shush  him. But today, he hasn't said a word. She looked over, and she could see he was sleepily watching the tv.

"This isn't like him. Ive never known him this quiet" she thought to himself. But then, bringing her attention back to the screen, was a gunshot. Finally, the long awaited scene was about happen. She felt excitement and concentration rip throughout her bloodstream.

"Oh my God! Dec, we're about the find out! We're about to -" Ali began to say, but stopped as she looked over to see Dec fast asleep. His chest moved up and down as he quietly snored. Ali quickly paused the tv.

She watched her poorly husband sniffle and cuddle up under his soft dressing gown and smiled. She turned the tv off, got up and gently kissed his head gently as she quietly tip toed into the kitchen. She began to make herself a cup of tea. She then got out her phone.

Hi Ant, was Dec ok today? She texted Ant. She saw the 3 bubbles within seconds of sending it

Ant knew Dec was already cross at him for being  patronising and mothering, the last thing he wanted to do was make matters worse by doing it again.

Nah he was fine Ant texted, lying.

Aw good Ali replied

Why? Ant texted, slightly worried he put Dec in a bad mood.

Aw, he just doesn't seem himself Ali replied, referring to how he wanted to nap and was dead silent during the tv show. Ant, however, thought Dec was still pissed off with him and was in a crap mood because of how mothering he was being.

Sorry to hear that 😞 anything I can do to help? Ant replied.

No thanks love, he just needs a bit of time and he'll be back to his normal self Ali replied, meaning a bit of time to recover.

Ant however thought this meant Dec was so angry, he wanted to distant himself from Ant and needed time away from him. Ant stared at his phone, shocked. He didn't know how to reply, so instead just turned his phone off.

Ali waited for the 3 bubbles, but they never came. Just at that, the kettle clicked and was ready. She began to pour the hot water in her mug with the tea bag already inside. Just as that, Dec swung the kitchen door open in his dressing gown.

"Please can I have one if your making tea" said Dec in a whispery, croaked voice. Ali's heat strings tugged. Dec had big, dark circles under his eyes and had his dressing gown done up tightly up to his neck.

"Of course darling, want any sugars?" Asked Ali. "Nah, I'm sweat enough" joked Dec. Ali laughed, even though Dec says that joke every time they make tea and it wasn't funny even the first time he said it. Ali was just relieved he was being a bit more Dec.

Dec chucked, which lead to a painful, chesty coughing fit. When it finally stopped, Dec's throat felt dreadful. Ali came over and planted a kiss on his poorly chest.

"Sweetie, lets say we take up out tea and drink it in bed?" Asked Ali. Dec checked the clock. 10:19. They usually stay up till midnight. "You don't have to darling. Watch the end of collateral" whispered Dec. "No, I'll much rather look after my poorly husband" she said as she kissed his cheek. His cheek was freezing.

Dec smiled and picked up his cup of tea. Ali hesitated. "Sorry, I'll be up in one sec" she said. Dec nodded and began to slowly walk upstairs. Ali opened the cupboard and took out a hot water bottle and poured in the last bit of water from the kettle. Thankfully there was enough to fill the water bottle - just!

She then began to go upstairs. She opened the door and smiled at the sight. Dec looked so sleepy, tucked up in bed with Rocky laying on his legs. His eyes were drooping. She walked over. "You awake, darling?" She asked. "Just about" replied Dec, witch made him cough twice. Rocky jumped off his lap.

"Sorry bud" Dec said to Rocky in a croaky voice, whilst rubbing his sore throat. Ali got into bed with her tea. Dec sipped his tea in union with Ali. The warm water soothed his chest. Ali passed him the hot water bottle. "Thought you might need it" she said, expecting Dec not to take it.

Dec usually wouldn't take it, as he always thought it was a bit embarrassing for a grown man to snuggle into a hot water bottle. But with the way he was feeling, looking a bit camp was the least of his worries.

"Thanks sweetheart" he whispered as he placed it on his chest. "Aw, that's lovely" Dec said sleepily. The warmth made his chest feel so much better.

Dec sniffed as he snuggled into water bottle. He felt himself drift off to sleep. "Sleep tight, darling" said Ali as she gently rubbed his arm and turned off the lights.

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