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This story is based on true life events and thoughts(Mine unfortunately)

Before you read just know that my PM's are open if you need help talk to me. If you have Instagram then message me on there, I answer right away since I have no friends. Just get help. We all go through things. I went through alot of shit. I don't like to talk about it because it's personal. But anyways yeah this one is based on how I feel.

"Y/n" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Sehun "You okay? You seem spaced out and worried about something. What are you thinking about?" He slid his hand over mine but I pulled back. He let out a sigh "I get it. You don't like me." "No. I do, I swear but-." "I like you too. Why can't we just make it official already?" I felt tears roll down my cheeks "Because I'm afraid. I'm afraid that you'll find out about me. I don't want you to, you'll see me differently. I already know you don't see me as normal. You won't tell me because you can't lie but I see it in your eyes." "Y/n. I can just see that you have trust issues, but I don't care because there are alot of people with trust issues." I tried to smile but I couldn't I just kept crying heavier and heavier so I just left the restaurant. Sehun followed behind me "Y/n. Please tell me what's going on." I didn't say anything I just cried. The thing is I don't have trust issues, I'm insecure because of my past. 


"Baekhyun make me something to eat." "Y/n. I'm tired of this." "What do you mean?" I asked while looking at the TV screen blankly. "You don't do anything around the house. I go to work, come in, cook, clean, go to sleep and repeat. I ask you to do something you don't even make an attempt to do it. When I come back in the house your either on the couch or in the bed. You really need to get a job, I can't do this by myself." "Nobody's hiring, so I guess I have to continue my daily routine until somebody is hiring." "Stop being so lazy!" "Do you think I want to be like this?!" "Y/n I know you and you weren't always like this." "That's YOU'RE problem! You think you know me but you don't." "I know that you were a troubled kid." "See, you look at it from everybody else's perspective. You don't know what made me be like that." "I know the story. You used to hang out around kids that did drugs and smoked and got drunk in highschool. They were thieves and they rubbed off on you." "See! My mom told you that but that's not what happened exactly. I was raped and forced into it." "But you had the chance to get out of it. And you chose not to! I can't with this anymore, I don't doubt that you did drugs in my house. You're too much work! You want too much and you pretend that you can't get help. You just choose not to get help." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Baekhyun came over to me and slapped me "How does that feel?" He did it again "You don't like it right." Again "That's how I feel when you say that you don't have the ability to do something." Again "Just like this. That's like me saying I don't have the ability to stop hitting you but guess what I'm lying because I don't want to stop." Again "Look at me when I talk to you bitch!" I looked over and his expression was serious. "Now your gonna start listening to me! Get a fucking job and forget about your past before I leave you out! The only reason why I let you live with me is because you don't have a place to stay. Your a broke ass hoe ass bitch!" Tears started coming down my cheeks and his expression changed to a soft one "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it." I got up "I'm leaving" I put my shoes off and walked out the house.

~End of Flashback~

I don't want Sehun to know because it can ruin the relationship we have now. I leaned into his chest and cried. "Y/n there's nothing about you that can make me not want to be with you." I stood up and wiped my tears "I need you to with someone better than me. I need you to forget me right now. Go find another girl that isn't like me, she has to be better than me. Please." I walked off and went home. Sehun had been calling and texting me since I left. I couldn't take anymore of the pain. I wrote a letter that said:

Dear Sehun, 

I told you to forget about me for a very important reason. I have problems in the past that I don't wanna talk about. I wish I had the courage to but I can't so please forget about me. Find someone else to date, marry, and have kids with. I know we talked about that stuff for years now. But my time is up. Just remember that I'll always love you. Promise.

I went in my closet and took out the outfit that Sehun got me for my birthday last year and put it on. I texted Sehun and told him to come to my house, the door was unlocked. I went back in my room and looked through the drawer and took out my razor blades. I sat on the floor and just cut my wrists and sat there until I bled out. Bye cruel world.

Sehun's POV~

I went to y/n's house and twisted the door knob and the door opened. "Y/n! Where are you?" She didn't answer me, she was probably in the bathroom so I went upstairs and looked but the door was wide open. I went to her room and saw her laying on the floor bleeding out. Her wrists were cut. I ran in the room crying "Y/n! Wake up! Come on, this isn't funny! Please get up." I saw a piece of paper on the floor and I picked it up and read it. I held Y/n in my arms "Please y/n. I'm sorry I should've said something. I should've followed you home like I started to. But I had to be dumb and go home. I'm sorry!" I sat on the floor crying all night.

If I still feel like I'm not a part of this world then I'll make a part 2 in Sehun's POV.

Just comment if you want a part two. Maybe if you guys comment enough I'll do it

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