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Ten Years Later...

"Welcome to Grand Meadows Estate, everyone! I'm Gladys Gordon, the director here at Grand Meadows Estate. I see a lot of familiar faces, old, and new. I can't wait to spend the entire summer with you all! Now, all of you, follow me to the cafeteria. There, you will be announced what dorm room you'll be staying at." Gladys said.

Everyone obeyed, and followed her to the cafeteria.

"Welcome to Grand Meadows Estate! I know we will have an amazing summer this year. Now, I have some friends here next to me that you will be meeting throughout the summer. First, I'd like you to meet our nurse Emma, and our chef, Jonah," Gladys said.

"Hi!" the two said in unison.

"Next, meet the other directors at our camp. Ezra here is the director at Blackmane Manor, Angelica is the director at Pinewood Pastures, and Kanan is the the director at Sunset Stables."

"Hello!" the three said in unison.

"And last, but not least, our counselors, the Sounds of Thunder. Samuel the Black Flash, Violet the Angel, Zachary the Bull, and Kimberly the Captain."

"Hi!" the friends said in unison.

"The Sounds of Thunder are an elite team, consisting of four main characteristics of a horse: speed, grace, strength, and leadership. I was the former Captain of the Sounds of Thunder, Ezra was the Black Flash, Angelica was Angel, and Kanan was the Bull. Now, with that aside, I will now announce your dorm rooms. After you get settled in, meet me back here in ten minutes, and I will let you pick out your very own horse. For those who are new here, once you pick out your own horse, it's yours to keep the whole summer. No one else can use it. Even if you come back next year, the horse you picked out the year before is still yours to keep. Now with that aside, let's get you guys settled in."

As Gladys went down the list, the four friends snuck out into the courtyard, and sat down on the benches, and talked

"Nothing really changed here at GME." Zachary said.

"Except the fact that we're famous now, and that we're counselors." Violet said.

"True." Samuel said.

"But that's what I love about this place. It's always welcoming to anyone and everyone who comes." Kimberly said.

Her friends agreed. Then, Ace and the others came trotting over.

"Hey you four. Good to see you guys again," Kimberly said, hugging Ace.

"Looks like they really missed us." Samuel said.

"Hey, I have and idea. I know it's been a while, but why don't we go down Blossom Wood Plain, for old times sake."

"Good idea, Kim." Violet said.

"Let's saddle up and go!" Zachary said.

The friends mounted their horses and headed to the gate.

"And where are you guys going?" asked a voice behind them.

They turned around and saw Gladys and the others.

"Going down Blossom Wood Plain, just for old times sake." Violet said

"Well, have fun!" Gladys said.

The friends smiled and nodded. Kimberly kicked Ace and she started running with the others in tow. They went down the path with green and pink flags, and found themselves on the Blossoms Wood Forest path.

"Want to make these petals fly?" Kimberly asked.

"Yeah!" her friends replied.

They recited the Sounds of Thunder motto, and thousands of petals fluttered in the wind like elegant pink butterflies.

"The Brighter the Lightning,
The Louder the Thunder!"

The Sounds of Thunder {Book 4: The Captain}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat