The New Sounds of Thunder

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It was the last day at Grand Meadows Estate, and they were having the closing ceremony, which Gladys was giving.

"This summer at Grand Meadows Estate was a very special one. We met some old friends, and new. I know that this wonderful experience here will be with you forever, and I can't wait to see you all here next summer. But before we say our farwells, I would like to call up Kimberly, Zachary, Violet, and Samuel to the stage please." Gladys said.

The friends were confused, but obeyed, and walked up on the stage. Next to them were Ezra, Angelica, and Kanan.

"Ezra, Angelica, Kanan, and I are the Sounds of Thunder. We are an elite team, consisting of four main characteristics of a horse: speed, grace, strength, and leadership. We were each given special names as well," Gladys said.

"The Black Flash." Ezra said.

"The Angel." Angelica said.

"The Bull." Kanan said.

"And the Captain. We have been the Sounds of Thunder for quite some time now, and now we are stepping down from that position, and passing it onto these amazing friends. These friends have shown ture friendship, and have demonstrated true sportsmanship."

The friends were spellbound. They couldn't believe their ears. The Sounds of Thunder each stood behind a friend and took of their chains. They wrapped it around their necks and stepped away from them.

"Here are your new Sounds of Thunder!" Gladys said.

Everyone cheered. The friends were amazed. They were not expecting this.

"Congrats you guys. You've earned it." Ezra said.

"We still have two hours until the bus comes to take you guys back home. During that time, we will be performing a great race, against each other. Each member against the other. If you wish to watch, follow us to the race track." Gladys said.

She jumped off the stage, and walked toward the race track, with everyone following. She soon came to a halt, and everyone stopped.

"Go for it, Kim!" Gladys said.

Kimberly nodded and whistled. In seconds, Ace and the others came galloping over. The Black Flashes mounted Shadow, the Angels mounted Daisy, the Bulls mounted Barbell, and the Captains mounted Ace. They walked up to the starting line and waited for the signal.

"Ready... GO!" Kimberly cried.

They were off. The ground started to shake so much, the audience felt it. They were only doing one lap. Occasionally, they would pass each other, but they soon all became neck and neck and neck and neck. The finish line was drawing near, and they all said the Sounds of Thunder motto.

"The Brighter the Lightning, the Louder the Thunder!"

Their horse's charms started glowing, and they all got faster. It was cutting it close, but it was a tie. Everyone applauded. They all dismounted their horses and took a bow. Since there was some time left before the bus came, everyone was walking around, talking to friends, or at the gift shop buying some last minute souvenirs. The friends and the former Sounds of Thunder were still at the race track, sitting on the bleachers, talking. Ace and the others were there as well.

"So, how does it feel to be the new Sounds of Thunder?" Gladys asked.

"It's, well the surprise was still unexpected, but it feels great." Samuel replied.

"Yeah, I agree." Violet said.

"So, you're going to be the new director here at Grand Meadows Estate, Gladys?" Zachary asked.

"Yup, same goes for them."

Gladys looked behind her as she said that.

"Yeah, my sister is stepping down from being director at Blackmane Manor." Ezra said.

"Dominic is doing the same thing." Angelica said.

"Diego as well." Kanan said.

"Wow, everything is changing so fast. Just promise us one thing, though," Kimberly said.

"And what's that?" Gladys asked.

"Don't change this place too much that we won't recognize it."

They all laughed at her joke.

"Deal." Gladys said.

Then, they heard the bus honk its horn.

"Time for us to go... Bye guys." Kimberly said.

"Farwell, Sounds of Thunder." Gladys said.

"We promise, when we come back older, we'll work here as counselors." Violet said.

"We would like that very much." Kanan said.

They all did a giant group hug. The friends hugges their horses goodbye, and they all walked to the bus. The friends walked on the bus and looked out the window. The bus started to pull away, and everyone waved goodbye to the former Sounds of Thunder. It was another seven hour drive back to Ohio, and a lot chattering could be heard. Violet was on her phone, Samuel and Zachary were arm wrestling, and Kimberly was staring out the window, watching the scenery go by.

"Hey Kim, you okay?" Zachary asked, beating Samuel, again.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just still can't wrap my head around the fact that we're the Sounds of Thunder now," Kimberly said, looking at her new star chain.

"I agree. It's awesome." Violet said.

"I can't wait to come back next year." Samuel said.

"But no matter what, always remember..."

"The Brighter the Lightning,
The Louder the Thunder!"

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