The Test of Leadership

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"The Test of Leadership?" the friends repeated.

"Just like all of the other tests and challenges you took during your summer here. At Blackmane Manor, the Test of Speed. At Pinewood Pastures, the Test of Grace. At Sunset Stables, the Test of Strength. And here, the Test of Leadership. And I will be your judge. If you win, the Sounds of Thunder will be set free. If I win, you all will be turned to stone," Natalie said.

"But, why are WE being turned to stone?" Samuel asked.

"Like I said before, you're an annoyance in my plan. I can't have you interfere with it. With you guys out of the way, I'll be able to get everything I wanted."

"Which is?" Zachary asked.

"Power and attention. Once Gladys and the others became the new Sounds of Thunder, everyone forgot about me. I was living in their shadow ever since. But not anymore! You guys will finally know what it's like to be forgotten, what it's like to live in someone's shadow forever!"

"We won't let you! We'll take your Test of Leadership, but just so you know, we're not easy to be defeated! Right guys?" Kimberly asked her friends.

"Right!" they replied.

"Well then, let's begin."

The friends nodded their heads and mounted their horses.

"So, what do we have to Natalie?" Kimberly asked.

"Nothing too farfetched. You just have to make the sound of thunder," Natalie explained.

"What...?" the friends asked.

"You four are riding on legendary horses who are unimaginably fast, unbelievably graceful, unspeakably strong, and unmatched leadership. With speed, grace, strength, and leadership, you should be able to pull through, and make the sound of thunder."

The friends looked at each other, and back at Natalie.

"Alright, we're ready," Kimberly said.

"Oh, just a little advice. You three have to depend on your alpha," Natalie said, pointing to Kimberly.


"Yes you. Remember what I said when you first chose Ace? Will you choose Ace, to lead your friends to victory?"

"No way..."

The friends were taken by surprise. Kimberly looked back at her friends with concern.

"I don't know if I can be THAT good of a leader, guys. I mean... our lives are on the line, and don't want to be the cause of losing them," Kimberly said.

"Don't listen to Natalie, Kim! You're an awesome leader! She's just putting pressure on you. Don't let her get under your skin. We believe in you." Samuel said.

"Yeah. We'll free the Sounds of Thunder in no time. You can do it!" Violet said.

"No one is a better leader than you. We know you can do it, Kim!" Zachary said.

"You guys... thank you! You guys are right! I know that we'll be able to free the Sounds of Thunder, but I can't do it without your help."

Her friends smiled brightly at her and nodded. Kimberly smiled back, and turned back to Natalie.

"Alright Natalie, we're ready." Kimberly said.

"Prepare to lose. Follow me." she said.

She started walking to the to the other end of the cave, and the friends followed.

"You can do this guys!" Ezra said.

"We believe in you!" Angelica and Kanan said in unison.

Natalie came to a halt and the friends stopped.

The Sounds of Thunder {Book 4: The Captain}Where stories live. Discover now