Finding The Sounds of Thunder

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The friends walked deeper into the underground basement of Grand Meadows Estate, hoping they'll be able to find the Sounds of Thunder. It was like a cave and a maze. They felt like they were going in circles for hours. And it was really dark down there, and the only light that the friends had was from their horse's charms.

"Ugh, we've been walking forever. It's like a maze down here," Violet said.

"You said it, Vi. My legs feel like their going to fall off." Samuel said.

"Why don't we take a break?" Zachary asked, looking at Kimberly's direction.

"Yeah, why not? To be honest, I'm getting tired, too. And I'm sure Ace and the others are exhausted as well." Kimberly said.

"Right. And on the bright side, their charms are still glowing, so that means we're still going the right way to find the Sounds of Thunder. Let's take a rest right here."

Violet didn't waste any time, and sat on the ground, leaning her head against the wall. Her friends did the same. There was nothing but silence.

"I hope Gladys and the others are okay." Samuel said.

"Yeah, me too..." Kimberly said.

Her friends looked at her, and saw her clenching her fists, and grinding her teeth.

"Kim, are you okay?" Zachary asked, coming to her aid.

"No... my head hurts really badly. I don't know why, but I hear someone... screaming, in pain. Like they're being tortured. It really hurts..." Kimberly said, holding her head.

Then, Violet's head started hurting as well.

"My head hurts, too. I hear screaming as well. And it sounds like... Angelica?" Violet asked, surprised.

Then, Samuel's and Zachary's heads started hurting as well.

"My head hurts, too. I hear screaming as well. I can hear Ezra." Samuel said, holding his head.

"Mine, too. I can hear Kanan screaming." Zachary said, holding his head.

Then, all at once, the voices screamed out to them.


Kimberly eyes snapped opened, and got up.

"Guys, we need to go, now! The Sounds of Thunder are calling us to help them!" Kimberly instructed.

Her friends got up and nodded firmly. They mounted their horses and continued down the path. Then, Ezra's voice spoke in Samuel's head.

"Next right at the fork."

"Guys, turn right!" Samuel instructed.

His friends nodded, and they all turned right at the fork in the path. They picked up the pace when Angelica's voice spoke in Violet's head.

"Over the boulders."

"You guys, jump over the upcoming boulders!" Violet instructed.

Her friends obeyed, and jumped over the boulders blocking the path. Then, Kanan's voice spoke in Zachary's head.

"Through the hedge wall."

"Guys, brace for impact. We're going through a hedge wall!" Zachary instructed.

His friends nodded, and with a burst of energy, they ran through a thick hedge wall. When the came out the other side, a thousand leaves floated and fluttered in the wind from the galloping horses.

"Guys, look Ace and the others. Their charms are glowing brighter." Zachary said.

They all looked, and Shadow's, Daisy's, Barbell's, and Ace's charm were glowing brighter and brighter with every step they took.

"We're definitely getting close. Come on!" Kimberly said.

They picked up the pace until they reached a big fork in the road. There were four ways to go.

"Which way do we go, Kim?" Samuel asked.

Then, the voice Kimberly heard spoke in her head.

"Down the fourth path."

"Down the fourth path, guys. Let's move!" Kimberly said.

Her friends obeyed, and followed her through the fourth cave. Then, they all abruptly stopped. In front of them was a big open space, filled with a pool of cement. Behind it were four capsules with three people and one stone statue. It was the Sounds of Thunder. The one that was stone was a young girl holding her hand out. It was Gladys.

"We found them!" Violet said.

They dismounted their horses and ran up to the capsules.

"Ezra, Angelica, Kanan. Guys, it's us!" Samuel said.

They three looked up, and smiled.

"Thank goodness. You have to get us out of here, before she gets back." Kanan said.

"Before who gets back? How did you end up here? Who did this to you?" Kimberly asked.

"I can answer that." said a voice behind them.

The friends turned around in surprise, to see the girl with the indigo hoodie.

"Hey, your the girl I bumped into at Pinewood Pastures." Kimberly said.

She did nothing but give a sinister smile. She tore off the hoodie and revealed the she-demon herself...

The Sounds of Thunder {Book 4: The Captain}Where stories live. Discover now