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The next day, the campers began to assemble early in the morning. "Breakfast's up!" yelled Chef Hatchett, although most of them were only mere meters away. They obeyed and grabbed a tray, not wanting to enrage the huge guy.

"Hey guys!" Chris walked in, cheerily. "Sleep well?"

"Fight me," Duncan dared, his head face-first on the table.

"Jude snored all night!" Daryl yawned.

"O-o-ho!" Chris chuckled. "Wow, how much are you hurting dude?"

"Wanna find out?"

"I'm good," he put his hands up and backed away from Duncan.

Then Jude walked in, a marker line between his nose and his upper lip. He walked over casually and took a seat, when everyone burst out laughing. "What?" he asked his teammates. "What?"

"Someone messed with your face dude," Paul laughed. Jude picked up his spoon and used it as a mirror, then proceeded to rubbing at it as Duncan smirked to himself.

"Hey, everyone, it's Lucy!" Lucy walked in on Chris' cue, going over to join her friends.

"How are you not tired?" Gary exclaimed.

"I swear I'm part vampire," she shrugged.

"Oh...kay. Well finish eating then we'll begin your next challenge!" Chris said, turning to exit the building.


The teams followed the host to a court with red lines painted across the polished wooden floor marking out two rectangles adjacent to each other. Two sets of benches were on either side of it, with a lifeguard chair at the half-way line of the court. Duncan beelined for the nearest seat. "Wake he up, and it's the last thing you do," he warned.

"Welcome," Chris began, "to our dodgeball arena! The first rule of dodgeball is-"

"Do not talk about dodgeball?" Gary suggested.

"As I was saying... Throw the ball at the other team, if it hits them without bouncing then they're out. If you catch a ball the thrower is sent off and you get to bring on another teammate." He picked up a red sponge ball and tossed it to James. "If you're holding a ball," he picked another up to demonstrate, "you can use it to deflect the ball, but if it knocks the ball from your hand, you're out. James, try to hit me."

"So, what do I do when the ball comes at me?" Zara asked, just as James threw the ball at Chris, who deflected it...right into Zara's face!

"Ooh," Chris cringed as the teen toppled over backwards. "You were supposed to dodge."

"Ow," she groaned, getting to her feet and rubbing her head. "Got it." She moved her hand to reveal a dark purple bruise.

"Best of five rounds wins, five campers per team plays per round. With all his skill, Chef Hatchett will be the referee. Choose your players, then we'll begin."


"Okay guys, who's going in?" Vivienne asked.

"Me!" Jacob stated, or more demanded. "I'm like in all the school sports teams."

"Me too!" Jimmy agreed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2018 ⏰

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