Not So Happy Campers {partII}

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Chris and Chef Hatchett escorted the two teams to the site of their first challenge: the edge of a cliff overlooking the musty gross water of Lake Wawanakwa. All of the campers stood there in their swimwear, confused about just what exactly they were going to be asked to do.

"Campers! Your first challenge is: a one-hundred and sixty foot dive into the lake!" Chris announced, ignoring the shocked gasps of the people that he was suggesting would pull off this stunt. "After that, you will find some crates on the beaches that you will have to move to your cabins. There, you will have to assemble what's inside to make a hot tub. The winning team will be safe from elimination, and, will have a wicked hot tub party tonight."

"Oh, and just a small note: the highest height successfully dived ever recorded to date is one-hundred and ninety feet-and even that guy seriously hurt himself!" He paused here to snicker behind his hand, joined a second or two later by his helper, before returning to the task at hand. "So no worries!" he finished cheerily with a flourish. "Killer Bass, you're up first." They all shuffled around uncomfortably, staring at the guy in front of them as if he was mad when he suddenly piped up again.


Daisy: we're guaranteed to die. This is stupid! Nevertheless, we're still going to win.

Gary: has he even tested this?!


"We need to test this challenge, you know that."

"Do I look like an intern?" Chef Hatchett snapped back at his boss.

"No, but all the ones we had are in the hospital. Come on, just jump it you big chicken!" Chris started flapping his arms like wings and doing a full-out chicken routine.

Chef sighed. "I don't get paid enough for this, man." Then he jumped, landing in the unsafe area. "Hey, I made it!" Then he yelped, feeling something brush up against his leg. A fin poking out of the water, headed straight from him, made him begin rushing for the shore.

Chris pulled out a clipboard. "Welp, that looks safe enough!"



"Oh, and one more thing... You see those two rings shown by the buoys? Yeah, well. the smaller circle is the safe zone. This is your target-and believe me, you want to hit it."

"Why?" Florence demanded to be told.

"Because the larger stocked with sharks!" he laughed uncontrollably. "Yep you heard me right! You're diving into shark infested water!" Everyone gasped in unison.

"You cannot be serious!" Daisy groaned, already fed up with this guy. in reply, he just laughed at her, contemplating whether she was serious herself.

"Oooooo...kayyy..." Braelyn began, staring over the edge of the cliff that was crumbling slightly at certain parts of it on the vertical cliff face. "So, who wants to go first?" she asked, turning to face her team.


Crickets chirped in the background; no one spoke; no one moved.

Eventually, she sighed and spoke up again. "Fine... I'll go. It's no big deal... Just an insane cliff dive into a circle of angry sharks." With that, she stepped forward and jumped up away from the clifftop. From there, she was a blur of pale blue that was incredibly hard to spot against the colour of the sky and water; the wind zooming past her as she plummeted rushed through her blonde hair making it flutter up. With only metres to spare she tilted forwards even more to perform another quarter of a flip and-with her arms stretched out in front of her-she slipped into the cool water... In the safe zone.

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