Not So Happy Campers {partI}

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"Let's see who our campers are!" announced Chris McLean into the microphone. "We told them they'd be staying at a luxury resort so that would explain why they're a little peeved off."

A guy stepped off the small boat, onto the creaking wooden planks of the small docks, carrying his full backpack. He was wearing a dark navy T-shirt with full-length denim jeans and white converse. He looked around at the beaches: litter caked the once golden sand; the sea had a murky grey tint to the teal.

"Welcome, Louie," a guy with dark wavy hair greeted. He looked like he was in his mid-twenties, and he wore a bluish-grey top with two pockets and knee-length army-green shorts.

"Hey dude, what's up?" the blonde haired boy replied, walking over and dropping his bag.

"The sky," the man joked, watching the boat return with another competitor. Off hopped a well built girl with dull sandy hair and eyes that matched Chris' top. "Lucy, nice." The girl stomped over, releasing her bag in the new pile, which dropped like a rock. She wore dark jeans that clung to her tree-trunk like legs, making her curves pop.

Vivienne was the next to arrive, with a Jack Wills bag on one arm and a Harry Potter one on the other. Her light hair hung around her shoulders and her glasses brought out the colour in her eyes. "This is where we're staying?" she asked, disgusted, as she pointed to the two broken down cabins further in land.

"Well, you are. I'm staying at my five-star mansion. That way," Chris replied with a smirk.

"Er... No. I did not sign up for this."

"Actually, you did," the man produced a stack of official-looking papers. "In the fine print. Read it, live it, llllloove it."

The girl growled. "I hate the fine print."

Then the boat returned with another person, a scrawny thin guy with oblong shaped blue glasses and matching eyes. "Matthew," the host informed the group.

"Did you get the memo about my hay fever and proposal to get a percentage for my family?" the boy questioned in a blank voice.

"Sure someone did!" a cheery voice responded.

"Good," Matthew replied, sarcasm oozing from his voice. "Is this where we're staying?"

His question was ignored as there was a thud! as a small boy with rosy red cheeks and a fringe combed to one side descended from the boat. He was dressed in a white shirt and black trousers, the orange laces of his trainers blinding the other campers. "Hi, I'm Gary," he introduced himself as the boat disappeared over the horizon and returned a few minutes later. A skinny girl with turquoise eyes wearing a baby pink strapless top and a denim skirt got off, with oversized sunglasses resting on her nose, dragging a designer suitcase behind her.

"Hi," she said in a sing-song voice. "You must be Chip," she said to Chris, who corrected her and turned to the latest arrival. A tall, thin guy with his hair curled at the front marched off the mode of transport.


"What's your name?" Matthew asked, holding out his hand which the new guy just laughed at.

"Jacob," he replied, running a hand through his hair. "Where are you from?"

"S-Scotland," the blond haired boy answered, warily.

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