Party Like It's Your Birthday or Not

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Being the daughter of Tony Stark had it's perks. One being money was never a problem hence I was never limited in the things I could reach. Overnight I had some important supplies shipped to Stark towers (mostly because I didn't know Camp's shipping address), from there some of the bots brought it over to the camp borders. From there was the real struggle, around 11 pm when the entire camp was asleep I was moving a very large box trying to avoid the harpies. After stumbling with my oversized wagon till I made it to cabin three. I quickly managed to move inside and took the elevator downstairs. Poseidon who more or less out of guilt had turned the basement of the cabin into a lab exactly like the one on Stark Towers. Which at the moment was going to be proven very helpful.

I didn't actually have time yesterday to go out and buy Percy a present for our 18th birthday. Since it was the first birthday were both of us would be celebrating together I thought that making something to immortalize the event. A copy of the arc-reactor in my chest. In the middle a button will be placed. When pressed it would alert a special fleet of bots and bring them to the aid of Percy.

Many hours filled with sweat, blood and a few screams I had finished.

The reactor was placed in a glass container with a plaque underneath that said


No matter where I was, regardless of the worlds we were raised in I would also's stand alongside my brother no questions asked. This present would serve as a reminder for the both of us.

By the time I was done it was 8 in the morning. I could hear Percy moving around upstairs. I quickly wrapped it up and headed upstairs.  I raced to the bathroom and quickly did my morning routine and met Percy in the main lobby.  He turned around and his lips broke out into a grin.
"happy Birthday Little sister" he basically screamed and hugged me lifting me off the ground.
"Can't breathe" I managed to croak out. He put me down and smiled. This time I hugged him.
"happy birthday perce" I handed him the wrapped box as he raised his  eyebrow at it and stared. I motioned for him to open it.
He sat down on the floor of the lobby and started to open it. I was to excited to sit down. As Percy went ahead and opened his face went from confusion to a very large smile. His thumb ran over the deeply engraved letters on the front of the bronze mantel. 

"Its perfect" he smiled up at me

"It gets better" i pointed to the middle arc-reactor showcasing the button. "whenever you need a little extra help press this" He looked up at me confused. "What does that mean" he asked looking confused. "Gives you access to the entire fleet of bots back at avengers towers" Percy's mouth quickly formed a O . He got up and pulled me into a hug "thank you dest". I returned the thank you with a large genuine smile. He placed the gift above his bed as I waited for him to come back a sharp pain erupted in my head. I leaned against the wall and grimaced. 

Maybe it was the pain but I heard a voice whisper " Your fate awaits you child". I wasn't sure if I was hearing things or not but if it was a voice, it sent chills down my spine. The sun shone in all it's glory but I stood there frozen. Percy walked in snapping me out of my daze and the pain vanished. Percy didn't question it fish for brains was to busy going on about what he would eat on his birthday. 


Walking to the dining area I could not shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen.  My heart sat in the pit of my stomach.  Percy kept going on and on about his birthday breakfast options but i was hardly paying attention. 

As we reached the dining area Percy was swarmed by people coming to wish him a Happy Birthday. He laughed he hugged and I walked over to our table and sat down. Not many people knew I was Percy's twin so no one knew it was my birthday as well. Honestly I was glad. With the way I was feeling after the weird voice I heard my birthday was the last thing on my mind. I learnt to trust my instincts as soon as my dad became iron man. My instincts right now were telling me I had to prepare something horrible was coming. It left me shaken.  As i came to my senses I noticed the 7 demigods, Nico, Will and Chiron underneath a banner that read Happy Birthday Percy with a cake. Tears brimmed my eyes, they all reminded me of my family. I missed my father and after the events of today I really could use being around my family. Percy looked at me and at that exact moment I felt puke in my mouth and I ran towards a bush a puked. 

" Hey hey kid you okay" Percy ran up putting an arm on my back and rubbing it. 

" I think so" I groaned.  

" Why don't you go rest in the cabin ill grab you some food and medicine" I did not argue with him. 

I walked back to the cabin and still a little shaky. I didn't need medicine. I needed home. i grabbed my keys to the Maserati left a note and walked out the door. 

All I needed was home and to figure out who the voice belonged too. 

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