Bipolar much

487 15 9

Nico POV

( A/N i have decided to play around with other character POV's the story will still be highly focused and shown through Destiny's POV but i will through in a different POV here and there. I am only doing Nico's as a quick POV to see if you guys would like me to do it. If you guys would let me know and i will add more)

The walk back to my cabin aka cabin 13 ended up being longer then expected. My detour through the woods didn't help the headache that was pounding away at my head. I usually didn't get headaches but something about tonight didn't sit with me right. Poseidon claimed Destiny as his daughter which made sense but I could tell he was hiding something. The gods weren't telling Destiny the whole truth. I threw my self onto the couch and placed a hand behind my head and closed my eyes.

and there she was. There was something about that girl. I just haven't decided if its good or bad.

Destiny POV (Next Morning)

I woke up to an earthquake.

Earthquake Percy that is. Percy was in his finding nemo PJ's jumping up and down on my bed yelling wake up like a child. I think I mumbled a stop and tried kicking him a little but I'm tired so I didn't bother paying attention. Don't blame me I had a long day yesterday.

"WAKE UPP LIL SIS BREAKFAST IS IN AN HOUR" Percy screamed and threw a pillow at me.

"Ouch" yeah okay sure it seems like I'm a wuss but you have never been hit by Percy before. How is he so strong this early.

"soooorrryyyy" Percy spoke while making a sad face. I laughed and raised an eyebrow at my brother's pyjamas.

"You really are Poseidon's son aren't you" Percy let out a laugh and while walking out the door said "Oh yeah 100%"

Rolling out of bed I quickly got ready. Brushed my teeth, showered, braided my hair, quick concealer and mascara and put on some shorts and a plain black t-shirt. I put on my bracelet and was ready to go in 40 mins. I ran down the stairs and met up with Percy and we started walking out.

"Percy I got all this tech in my room but Chiron said Demigods aren't allowed to use tech?"

"Oh yeah, mortal tech is a big no but Leo came up with this chip you put in your laptop or phone that blocks the signal to monsters"

"cool, imma have to ask him how he did that"

"Oh and you are also a cabin colounsellor"


"Yeah with twins Chiron just makes it easier by making them both Cabin heads that way there is no fighting"

I nodded at the statement as we pulled up to the Poseidon table. As we got our food and started eating I couldn't help but feel a gaze on me I looked up to see Di' Angelo staring at me or Percy's back I couldn't tell which. I had to thank him for yesterday he seemed nice enough. So I made a mental note to find him later.

Percy looked up and caught my gaze and Nico. I wasn't staring long enough for anyone to notice but Percy still caught on. 


I just looked at him confused having no idea what he was talking about. 


"Nico, stay away from him Dest" I looked at him even more confused. Were they not friends. Percy continued on " Look he is one of my best friends but that does not change the fact that he is a bit of a player, and he is not messing around with my sister." 

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