✨Magician Vampire✨

Start from the beginning


-Tsubakkyun! That hurt!

The strange man whined. Why do I keep meeting strangers who turn out to be vampires? Yeah, I'm not dumb. I understood that he was a vampire the moment he said eve. Strange, I didn't think that Tsubaki would have other Servamp friends. Now that I was up on my feet. I had the chance to look at the guy. He...looked kind of like a magician. A weird one at that with his pink-ish long hair. He had the same crimson eyes as Tsubaki. I guess that's a vampire thing. At least the TV got one thing right.

Tsubaki fixed himself and brushed off his clothing then turned around to look at me.

-Where were you?!

( ・∇・)

-I've been looking for you all day! Don't you know if we're separated we'll get weaker?!!

He yelled at my face. I gulped and backed away, until I hit a wall.

-Not only that but it's already hard for me to control myself!



(・∀・) control?

Am I too much of a pervert or did he actually said "control" in that groan-like tone?

I was backed away into the wall. Tsubaki's tall figure stood before me in all of his glory.

He opened his mouth to say something but then quickly bit his tounge. I raised an eyebrow but I doubt that actually did something.


I reached for his shoulder, he winced and yelled
"Stay away!"

He kept constantly eyeing my knees. I quickly noticed that and soon my gaze shifted towards my knees as well. Blood was slowly creeping out of the cut I recently achieved. Probably because of the fall earlier.


The other vampire said with glowing eyes.

-Tsubakkyun is it ok if we share?

He excitedly asked.

~What the hell are you talking about?!
-What the hell are you talking about?!

Tsubaki and I asked in unison. Then the other vampire raised my leg up high to his mouth. My leg was high up in the air, and if it weren't for my efforts my bootyfull panties would've been exposed to the vampires. I needed to think fast and find a way to get out of this embarrassing situation. All of a sudden I remembered a scene from an anime...

~Jungle Savate!

I jumped and with my free leg, I kicked him right on the cheek so hard that he flew away onto the wall once again. This guy was seriously like a really fucked up pináta. Even though I was relatively stronger than people my age, it was still weird how he flew into the wall.

Anyway with that, I kicked a vampire!

-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...not interesting at all. What's up with that smug face?

Tch, this guy.

~Hey Tsubaki.


~What are the pros and cons of me becoming your eve?

I asked, not even looking at him. I had been thinking about it the whole day. What if I don't want him to leave after 24 hours? Even though he was irritating, he was still really interesting. And him being in my boring life would change a lot of things. And seeing that he also has company with him, maybe I wouldn't ve feeling so alone and bored all the time. But don't get me wrong, I'm not sad nor melancholic I'm just extremely bored.

He didn't reply so I thought that he was thinking about it. I waited for his reply then all of a sudden I felt someone moving the hair on my neck to the side. I froze. What? I was about to question Tsubaki until I felt what I could only imagine as Tsubaki's fangs sink in onto my neck.

My eyes widened from the sudden sensation. But hey! I wasn't complaining that felt surprisingly pleasant.




I quickly pushed him away and held my neck. Blood trickling down my collar bone but I didn't care. A massive blush made it's way onto my face because of the realization.

~W-What t-t-t-the hell do you think y-You're doing?!!!

I yelled. I quickly recovered his stance and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Gawd that was so sexy...wait what?

-I wanted to get it over with.

And that's how I officially became his freaking Eve...

Great...[note the sarcasm]

At the time I hadn't realized that by picking him up and becoming his eve, my supposedly boring life had become full of fun and more interesting...

《His Eve》Tsubaki|Servamp|FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now