kinky ;)

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(have a Yorak and baby Yorak Jr)

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(have a Yorak and baby Yorak Jr)

so lance is a furry (as we all know (before the show even made it canon)) and uh that's really it buddy. Lance being a furry really doesn't have anything to do with this part. If someone doubts Lance being a furry then you better be prepared to catch these hands.
(Fun fact: When I heard Keith's voice when he was younger, I freaking wHEEZED. I mean, he's like, shorter and like, less emo? But his vOice. I wasn't expecting that and honestly i don't know what i was expecting but just imagine his younger self yelling at Shiro (I guess he kinda did when he was younger?), Hunk, Pidge, and Lance and they all have to try not to laugh at this little 2 inch angry baby Yorak screaming at them for not doing.... whatever.)

(Also, I nearly died of laughter from the video, so uhm, watch it too? I don't know I just want to sleep.)

(Also, quitbeingjamless started up a new story called Time Slayers (BTS au) and it would be grand if you check it out. (You don't need to))

(Fun fact, I have Grammarly on my computer (for no reason other than my horrible grammar) and it wants me to change Yorak for York.)

K so Yorak and Lance McBi were just chilling (in a hot tub, for feet apart cuz they aREN'T GAY) when Yorak Jr (that's the space wolfs name for me. if you disagree than meet me at your local McDonald's so we settle this dispute.) suddenly appeared out of nowhere like the great space wolf he is. It got Yorak shOOK and Lance McMeme was scared that Yorak Jr would bite his head off or something? Anyways, Yorak Jr was going to go on Yorak's lap as usual when he noticed the McBiDisasster. Yorak Jr went to Lancey Lance and cuddled with the bi disASSter. Yorak made angry yorak noises but was actually happy to see Lance smiling. Then Yorak Jr decided to do some klance fan service for us hungry hoes (jk you're all wonderful) and teleported behind Lance and pushed Lance towards Keithy Boi. Keith KoGAYne was shook and caught Lance because reflexes? yeah, reflexes (more like gAy ReFlExEs-). Lance McBI was also shook and Yorak Jr thought it would be grand to make them stuck in that position so Yorak Jr teleported on top of Lance. Lance and Keith were now stuck in that position and Keith was trying to get Yorak Jr off of them. He failed in the end and they were stuck in that position for a good 5 minutes until Pidge walked in. "Hey Lance? Oh. hi. k. uh. bi." They heard Pidge running then screaming in the distance "hUNK YOU OWE ME LIKE 20 BUCKS BI THE TIME WE GET HOME!" "wHAT? nO! iM BROKE" "SHOULDVE THOUGHT ABOUT THAT INSTEAD OF JUST JOINING THE BET HEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHE" Keith and Lance laughed at their behavior and started talking about more shit and after 5 minutes Yorak Jr left but Lance and Keith stayed in that position. Eventually, they both fell asleep and Pidge took a bunch of pictures. For blackmail purposes? Wallpaper? I don't know man, you can choose I guess?

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