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"Dude there's no way." Jeff said getting out of his car Monday morning.

"Oh God shut up please!" Izabela sighed loudly.

"Bro! The Astros are most definitely going to beat the Yankees tonight." Izac hollered.

"If it's not the Phillies I don't want to hear about it." Izabela sighed

"The Phillies are 2-4 Iz." Jeff stated blatantly

"They have the entire season to come back, Atkins!"

"Arroyo, you clearly haven't been keep track on their record."

"Atkins, the Yankees are trash get over it!"

"Good morning babe, what are you guys talking about?" Scott said leaning down to kiss Izabela.

"The fact that the Astros are going to win tonight." Izac told him

"And that the Phillies are going to make a comeback." Izabela defended her favorite team.

"Damn babe I never knew you actually liked baseball."

"You think I actually just sat through all those games just because you guys were playing?" she laughed

"I mean support?" he questioned.

"Not that much support in the world baby." she laughed patting his chest.

"Alright, enough with the couple things you two." Jeff said making a disgusted face.

Scott laughed shoving Jeff throwing his other arm around Izabela.

"Dude, school couldn't be over any slower. It feels like we've been in the last 2 weeks for like 8 months." Jeff sighed throwing his head back

"No seriously. I'm over gym class." she laughed as the 5 of them continued walking around the track.

"Gym I don't mind it's the biology class that annoys me." Scott said Jeff, agreeing.

"Babe you're good at that though." she shoved him playfully.

"Doesn't mean I like it."

"4 more days boys. 4. more. days."

"Bro baseball camp is like calling my name!" Jeff said excitedly.

"Um, I've been thinking about going back home for a little." she blurted not knowing when to actually bring it up.

"To New York?!" Jeff, Scott, Izac, and Izaiah all said in unison.

"I want to see Papi, we haven't seen him since we moved." she dropped her head a little.

"I know you guys are still not completely trusting of him but you know..."

"That you've always been daddy's princess? Yeah, we know." Izac scuffed.

"Seriously? He said he wasn't involved and Mom believed him so I do too."

"You guys are going to be pretty much gone for the next 2 months, it's only for a couple days. Like I never even left. We're his kids, he and mami both sacrificed a lot for us and he's the last one we have left. I'm not going to leave him locked in there thinking that not even one of his own kids care about him! Ivan and Ilias pretty much fell off the face of the earth and I'm not going to do that to him." she said walking away.

"Ugh, she pisses me off!" Izac sighed

"Bro chill out, we all have a choice on who we believe in this and she chose to believe him." Izaiah said walking away to talk to his sister.

You're Different - Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now