A Change of Path

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"It's too bad that this is the last month of the amazing summer at Grand Meadows Estate." Violet said.

"Yeah, but we're definitely going to be coming here next summer." Kimberly said.

Violet nodded. It was the beginning of August, and it was the last month of the Grand Meadows Estate summer program. Everyone there had a wonderful experience and made amazing friends. Right now, the girls were at the cafeteria having breakfast.

"Oh! That reminds me. Where were you last night? I told you goodnight, and you didn't respond. I thought you were asleep already, but I didn't hear you snoring, and I assumed you weren't here," Violet said

"First off, I don't snore. And second, you were right. I didn't go straight to the dorm after our hayride. I went to check on Ace. She was still awake when I got there," Kimberly said.


"She was thinking about Gladys. I don't blame her, I mean, Shadow, Daisy, and Barbell got their partners back, and she's the only one who doesn't. I promised her that we will find Gladys, whatever it takes."

"I'm with you. We already found the Black Flash, the Angel, and the Bull. I'm sure we'll find the Captain in no time."

"But at the moment, time is all we have, and need. We have to find the Captain soon, and fast."

Violet nodded in agreement. When breakfast was over, Kimberly and Violet met up with Zachary and Samuel who were waiting for them outside.

"Hey you two." Violet said.

They looked up and smiled.

"Took you girls long enough." Samuel said.

"Hmph, I think a gentleman would wait inside for the lady to come out first." Violet said, poking Samuel on his side.

"I agree." Kimberly said, doing the same to Zachary.

The boys leapt away, giggling a bit.

"Okay, we get it. Just don't do that." Zachary said, holding his side.

The girls looked at each other and laughed.

"Glad we could come to an agreement." Violet said.

"So, what do you guys want to do now?" Samuel asked.

"Honestly, I don't know. We've done almost everything we can think off. Well, except for racing the Sounds of Thunder, but we'll do that when Gladys comes back. But what can we do?" Zachary asked.

"Oh, I know. Why don't we follow the different color flags? The blue and white flags take us to all the stables and back here. Why don't we follow the other ones? I saw red and yellow, and green and pink. Which one should we follow?" Kimberly asked.

Her friends looked at each other and back at her.

"Red and yellow!" they said in unison.

"Alright! Let's saddle up, and head out." Kimberly said.

"Aye aye captain!"

Kimberly whistled and Ace and the others came galloping over. They mounted their horses and headed to the gate.

"Where are you four going?" asked a voice behind them.

They turned around and saw Ezra, Angelica, and Kanan.

"Oh, we were going to follow the other flags and see where they go." Samuel said.

"We're going to follow the red and yellow flags." Violet said.

They three Sounds of Thunder shuddered a little.

"Oh... um... well, be careful is all I have to say." Kanan said.

"Better yet, don't go there at all," Angelica said.

"Why? What's there?" Zachary asked.

"The trail with the red and yellow flags, we call it "The Miraculous Path," and for good reason, too." Ezra.

"Look, just trust our judgement, and don't go down the Miraculous Path, okay? We don't need to explain it if it's dangerous."

"Okay. We won't go down the path. We don't want to put ourselves in danger, right guys?" Kimberly asked.

Her friends agreed.

"We'll follow the path with green and pink flags. What's down that path?" Zachary asked.

"The trail with the green and pink flags, we call it "Blossom Wood Plain." You go through a small forest that's in a wide, open plain. It's a really pretty sight, to see a forest in a plain." Angelica said.

"That sounds nice. Want to go for it guys?" Kimberly asked.

"Aye aye captain!" her friends replied.

Kimberly smiled sweetly at them and turned back to the three Sounds of Thunder.

"You guys say the exact same thing we use to say to Gladys." Kanan said.

"Well, have fun you guys, and be careful." Ezra said.

"Right!" the friends replied.

Kimberly kicked Ace and she started running with the others in tow. When they reached the fork in the road, they took the path with the green and pink flags. Kimberly pulled on the reins for Ace to slow down. Ace slowed down and started walking. The others did the same. As they walked down the trail, they saw a lot of deer, rabbits, and other forest animals. They soon saw a plain with a big forest in the middle of it. They walked in and found themselves in awe. The Blossom Wood Forest was filled with cherry blossom trees.

"It's so beautiful." Violet said.

"Yeah." Zachary said.

A gentle breeze came in, and millions of cherry blossom petals were swept off the trees, fluttering in the wind like elegant pink butterflies.

"It's like we're in China." Violet said.

"You're absolutely right, Vi," Kimberly said, catching a petal in the palm of her hand.

"I'm glad we came this way instead of the other way." Zachary said.

"Yeah, otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to see this beautiful scene." Samuel said.

"I still can't believe that this is a plain, surrounding a forest. I would love to come back here again."

Her friends agreed. Then, they saw a faint glow coming from Shadow's, Daisy's, and Barbell's charm.

"What the..." Zachary said.

"Thought you guys would want some company." said a voice behind them.

They all turned around and saw Ezra, Angelica, and Kanan, mounted on gray, apricot, and brown noble steeds.

"Hey you three. Wanted to enjoy this beautiful scenery?" Kimberly asked.

"Yes, and no. We need you guys to come back to GME." Angelica said.

"Why?" Samuel asked.

"Natalie started a new game, called "The Alpha Riddle Run," and she claims she needs EVERYBODY to participate. It's mandatory." Ezra said.

"Sounds suspicious... Alright, we'll come back. She wouldn't be doing this for a reason." Violet said.

"Violet's right. Let's keep our guard up during this little game of hers. Something tells me that we might be stepping right into her trap." Kimberly said.

Everyone agreed. Kimberly kicked Ace and she started running back to Grand Meadows Estate with the others following.

"I just hope we're not falling into one of Natalie's traps..." Kimberly said to herself.

The Sounds of Thunder {Book 4: The Captain}Where stories live. Discover now