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"What's your favourite colour?" Was Jungkook's first question.

We sat on the fluffy carpet in my room and munched on popcorn while we asked eachother questions.

"Blue. Boring, I know."

"Is there a specific shade?"

"No. Just the generalised colour. I don't have a favourite colour per se. Blue is just my favourite for namesake."

"That's not good. We need to find you a proper favourite colour," he said with determination.

I laughed.

"No, it's fine."

"Your turn," he said.

"Uhm. Why is your favourite colour red?" I asked stuffing a hand full of popcorn in my mouth.

"I just like the colour," he answered.

"Should I give you your first warning?"


"You're lying to me. You don't just like the colour for the sake of liking it."

"How would you know that?"

"I just know things. Plus you were unhappy about me not having a proper favourite colour. Which must mean there's more to your favourite colour. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless you're a hypocrite."

"Take that back," he instructed.

"Nope," I said, eating more popcorn.

He grabbed the bowl from my hand and raised it above his head so I couldn't reach it.

"Give it back."


"Ugh. Jungkook. Fine I take it back. Now give it back."

"Here," he handed the bowl back.

After I had the bowl safely secured in my arms, I flicked Jungkook's forehead.

"Yah!" He said rubbing his forehead.

"Never mess with a girl's food. Ever!" I warned and pointed my finger at him.

"Understood," he said raising his hands in surrender.

"Now it's time for the truth. Proceed."

"Fine. Geez. There are a couple reasons. But I guess the main reason is my grandad." He smiled at the mention of his grandad which somehow, immediately, brought a smile to my face.

"My parents got divorced when I was 12 but they separated when I was 10. The only difference between the separation and divorce was that my mother still showed some care towards my brother and I during the separation."

"My parents used to fight a lot when I was kid. My brother was too young to remember it but I was at an impressionable age. I remember most of their fights because it would be about the same things. My dad accusing my mom of cheating. My mom accused my dad of the same. They would fight about money and my dad's gambling issues. Their screams and hurtful words would fill the house. I remember carrying Jeonghyun and hiding under the dining room table with him. I'd cover my ears to block the shouting."

I rubbed his arm to provide some comfort to him.

"My grandad had this sort of... intuition if something was troubling me. The first time I hid, he was the one that bothered to look for me. Not my parents."

The manner in which spoke about his grandad warmed my heart.

"After every fight he would look under the table and tell my brother and I that the coast was clear. We couldn't leave the house during a fight because my dad tends to direct his anger on anything or anybody he sees. So we'd wait for grandad to come get us. He took Jeonghyun and I to the park after every fight. Mainly to distract us from our broken home."

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