19: It's Not Help It's Just Useful Information

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I woke up extra early the next day so I could go back home to get ready for school. Although, I was tempted to just lay in bed all day.

Hae soo warned me against doing that.  I needed to 'suck it up' because regardless of my emotions 'life goes on'. She only sympathised with me for so long. After a while she grew tired of my moping and shook me by the shoulders to get me to snap out of it. Funny enough, her overly energetic and unsympathetic attitude made me feel better. I no longer thought she pitied me one bit. 

In the morning her only advice to me was to hold my head up high and to always forgive but never forget.

I went to school in a better mood than I did in the previous dreadful week.
I had to thank Hae soo for that as well.

Her use of obscenities on Jungkook and his friends was rather entertaining. Granted they didn't know of her name calling because she did it within the privacy of her home and not to their faces. But she said that their souls would feel the insult even if their physical bodies don't hear it.

I was thankful for Hae soo's ability to brighten my mood and as I walked in the corridors of my own school, I wished she went here too.

I wore a small smile while walking to class, however, my smile quickly turned into a frown when I was ambushed my Jinhee.

"Did you find someone else that you're smiling already?"

"I'm not in the mood Jinhee. Leave me alone."

"Oh, the nerd talks back? Who would've thought a reality check from Jungkook would've caused you to be more arrogant."

"I'm not arrogant. I'm not even confident. I just don't want to deal with your crap. My day was going perfectly fine and I'd like it to remain that way. So if you'll excuse me," I said as politely as possible.

Despite the look of anger and irritation on Jinhee's face, I smiled at her. Which probably annoyed her further. But I didn't care. I just moved past her because I didn't want any conflict neither did I want to be insulted. So avoidance was key.

I was near Mrs Kang's class when I bumped into someone.
My books fell down and I apologised, out of common courtesy, before bending down to pick the books up.

The person kneeled down and picked up my chemistry book.

He handed it to me.

"Thank yo-" I looked up to see a familiar pair of brown eyes staring back at me.

I grabbed the book from his hand and hastily got up.


I paid no attention to his voice and walked into Math class, ignoring him completely.

I finally started smiling again and I refused to back track. I didn't want to speak to Jungkook. Maybe I'd forgiven him but I wasn't ready to speak to him. Especially if he's only making an effort because of Taehyung.

I waited at the Mr Song's library after school for Jungkook. Which seemed odd because I ignored him earlier.

But I was only ignoring him on a personal level. Professionally, I wasn't. I was still his tutor and it was my duty to help him with Math. But I could only help him if he actually pitched up, which he didn't.

I waited for an hour before finally giving up and going home.

I was tired when I went home, the past few days were emotionally draining. As soon as I got home, I showered and then went to bed. To keep my eyes open in the shower even seemed like a task. It was probably only six when I fell asleep. I didn't even do any homework.

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