I am afraid

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Class went about the same routine like every day.  Yuki fell asleep in class, the teacher yells, then she's punished with supplementary classes and I just watch all this happen from the sidelines. It gets pretty annoying to witness this occur over and over again. Not wanting to be a carbon copy of Yuki, I eventually caught up with the school work and I'm doing okay, better than how I was doing the first day. I'm not an awesome genius like Zero though, I could easily fall back to Yuki's grading level in just an easy slip.

The bell rang for dismissal and Yuki was still sound asleep. Yori didn't bother in trying to wake her up knowing that me and Zero were still in the classroom; however, she most likely just didn't want to stick around and stay with her for more supplementary classes.

"Lets get going. C'mon Akira" Zero called my name. I couldn't help but be slightly annoyed despite finishing my coffee. I glanced over to see Yuki sound asleep and couldn't help feel envious. My supplementary class was rescheduled for next month possibly because the teachers wanted me and Yuki to be separated.

I trudged down the steps following behind Zero. When we were down to the last step, I knew Zero didn't like how peacefully Yuki was sleeping.

"Yo! Yuki" Zero said loudly causing sleeping beauty to stir raising her head up.

"Hmmm? What Zero?" She murmured still half asleep.

"Don't what me. Akira and I are going to start disciplinary committee duties. Finish up your supplementary classes then run over."

"Yeah Yuki! Don't be late" I couldn't help give her childish cheeky grin. Yuki always had the best reaction to things and getting her frustrated was secretly what gave me a bit of happiness in this series.

Just as I expected she shot up from  her desk. "I SHOULD BE TELLING YOU THAT!"

"Quit wasting time and let's go" Zero  sighed with annoyance grabbing hold of my collar dragging me out the room with the heels of my feet.

Once we were down the halls heading outside the school, Zero had finally let go of my shirt.  Instantly, I gulped fresh air.

"You don't have to drag me." I grumbled rubbing my now sore neck.

"Then you should make a better effort in helping out during disciplinary hours" he replied deepening his hands in his pockets. I wanted to tell him that I don't sneak off at nights more than he does behind me and Yuki's back but that would just lead to more heavy arguments and questioning. I let out a sigh figuring it was best to keep my mouth shut and just try to get through the day.

Less and less students were starting to disperse until loud whispers emerged.   I didn't think anything of it assuming it was just girls trying to talk about their favorite Night class. My face smack against Zero's back not realizing I was walking behind him rather than beside him.

"W-what the heck Zero! Don't just stop out of no- oh its Kaname" I said at the end slightly surprised. I don't exactly have every detail on what goes on in Vampire knight memorize which I probably should just to keep in mind of scenes to avoid. Following Kaname was another well known vampire Ruka Souen.

"How strange, Yuki isn't with you two today?" Kaname said with a perfect fake genuine composure. Immediately, I remembered this part in the manga. It was a small part in the scene where I knew that Kaname can be a prick.

"She has supplementary class, Kuran" Zero answered coldly walking passed him.

"Kiryu" and here it comes. "How are you now days?" Kaname questioned before he could completely walk away.

"He's fine." I couldn't help add a bit of attitude with the tone of my answer. "So like can you hurry up and do whatever you came here to do." Kaname seemed surprised by my tone of voice and Ruka wasn't happy at all by my-, well Ruka never liked me.

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