Chapter 7 -Nightmare turns ito reality-

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Chapter 7

The sun rays hit my face, forcing me open my eyelids.                   “Nghh..,” I exclaimed, my head feeling like hell, literally.

“Wh-what the fuck?!” My jaw drops down, as I come across the sight in front of me.

Everywhere, there are these black-dressed people, looking like demons; though they surely aren’t. They look exhausted and… and hungry.

I tilt my head and hold it with my hand. My hands are shaking, once I realize what they really are.

“..Vampires..,” I let it slid out of my mouth as I blankly stare at them.

Vampires are not like the ones humans talk about in fairytales. They are a kind of demons; meaning only my kind can turn into them. They’re eyes are glowing, and their pale skin is visible from kilometers away. They smell blood, demonic blood and they crave it. They live for it.

I turn my head to my hand and to my veins. I must turn them on somehow. I begin to grin, but I immediately shake it off. Those monsters want to eat me. They want to eat me alive!

I pout as I realize how wrong I was before. I don’t want to die. I want to live. I don’t want my blood to be sucked away. Please save me. Someone, please.

“Help!” I scream as I close the car window.

Pointless. Now, no one will be able to hear me. I somehow need to contact someone, anyone.

I immediately search every inch of the car, desperately, hoping to find a cell phone.

“N-Nothing,” I mumble as I try to even out my breath. My hands are shaking, my heart is about to jump off my chest.

“P-Please…Please!” I beg unable to stand the pain I’m feeling.

“I don’t’ want to die,” I cry, as I search the drawer for what seems the fifth time.

I gulp, as feel something metallic on my hand. I-I just got cut. “Noo!” I groan, feeling the vampires’ lust augmenting. “W-Wait,” I sigh in relief.

“A-A phone… A fucking phone!” I howl with alleviation.

I try to open it up, only to stay still unsure of who to dial.

“W-Wahh” Those monsters were about to flip my car upside down… I need to hurry.

I clumsily write my text, with my hands filled with sweat.

And so, I send it to the first person I think of.

*Baaang* A gun had just made a whole on my window.

I tightly close my eyes, fear overwhelming me.

“That’s the end,” I let out in a low voice, leaning my head back, waiting to see what happens.

It feels as if I’m trapped on an ugly nightmare-


My window broke… it just broke. Tiny pieces were thrown everywhere around, many landing upon me.

I don’t speak. I just feel the blood dripping down, together with the tears. My heart’s so hard, I doubt it won’t explode.

The door is open.

From the corner of my eye, I examine a creature which approaches me.

He must be the leader; but that’s the last thing I care about.

He pulls me off the car, as I turn to the sky. I stare at it and slightly smile. Nature’s so beautiful. I-I wish I could take a better glimpse of it.

My head’s being pushed back down as I feel two cold hands driving me to something that looks like a small platform.

I chuckle. So that’s where I’ll die.

I turn silent once again and close my eyes.

‘..Goodbye world..’

I feel my body being leaned down on the platform. The creature removes my clothes as I feel two fangs piercing right into my neck.

“Gg-ugh,” I make a deep sound in response to the pain I was receiving.

That moment the vampire, whispered something to me, but clearly, I didn’t care at all. That’s right, I didn’t care that his bare hands were grasping my body, that he was about to rape me, and then kill me after sucking away all my blood. I just wanted it to end…

I forced my eyes tighter, as another tear streamed down my cheek, and I bit my lips. ‘Goodbye,’ I repeated, sure that it was the last time I spoke it. 

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