Chapter 4: Interview {New}

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Kasey POV

I woke up with my face still damp, after another 3 hours of sleep in the hot summer weather of California, the water from the prank on the rest of my body had mostly evaporated. The ice for my black eyes and cuts had melted over the sleeping period.

I was dreading this interview. Nobody wants a kid with two black eyes and cuts everywhere. They'll assume I'm cutting myself or I just get in fights all the time. Nobody is gonna wanna trouble-maker loser kid who only plays video games.

With my luck the adoptees are gonna pick Jen and she'll lord it over me for the rest of my known life. 

The lights were on and Finn was leaning over me. "Hey, interviews start in about an hour, so get dressed and dry shampoo your hair or something because it looks like a mess." Finn muttered. 

I sat up and stretched, yawning quietly. I went to the bathroom and sprayed my hair with the dry shampoo, making it look like I took care of myself on a dailey basis. I walked over to my bed and threw on a Panic! At The Disco shirt, with some knee length jean shorts (JORTS).

"Kasey, get down to the interview station please." Socks said opening the door a crack to let us know. Jen groaned, "I can't believe I have to go after you." she said, glaring at me. "I can't belive I have to even look at your dumb ugly face." I muttered under my breath. Melissa gave a breathy chuckle. 

"I'm gonna head down, wish me luck." I said, slipping out the door, after hearing my two best friends wish me the best. 

I walked into the room, straightening my hair and sitting down of the uncomfortable unfolding chair. I waited a couple minutes before the door opened and Socks brought in a dark-haired man and a blonde lady in. 

They sat down across from me, as Socks made her way over to the seat next to me. I smiled at the two, who looked a bit worried at my condition. 

"Introduce yourself, please." Socks said quietly to me. 

I smiled, holding out my hand to each person in turn, "Hi, I'm Kasey Keegan. I spend my time playing video games, singing out of tune, reading, and plotting my revenge of Jen."

The couple chuckled. "Well, I'm Amy, and this is Mark." the girl, Amy, said. 

I smiled, "It's nice to meet you guys." 

"Do you have any questions for Kasey?" Socks asked. The man, Mark, nodded. "What happened to your face?" I laughed quietly. "I-"

Socks flicked my arm to be quiet, "Kasey just got into a fight with some other girls in her room, it was no big deal, just a little spat." 

"A little spat? Jen and her bitch squad attacked me for quote unquote, "tattling". Then, when my friend, Finn, backed me up then insulted him on being a trans man, and so I punched Jen in the nose and her bitches purpled my eyes and scratched me up!" I said, slamming my fist onto the table infront of me. 

I scooted back suddenly, lowering my flushed face, that was embarassingly loud rant. Mark chuckled, "You must be a very good friend if you're that willing to back them up." he said. I looked up with a light smile, "You insult my friend you get punched in the nose."

Mark and Amy both looked at each other and smiled. 

"So, Kasey, can I ask you a sensitive question?" Amy asked. I nodded, "Hit me, not literally though, I've been hit enough this morning." I said with a smile. 

"How did you end up here?" Amy said. 

"Icy road on the way to a game convention when I was 7, both my parents and my twin sister died in the crash, head on with a semi. It was a miracle I survived. I've still got weak legs from it though, I did break both of them. Not bad enough that I couldn't walk, but enough to put me in physical therapy for two years." I said calmly, shrugging my shoulders. 

Both Mark and Amy looked shocked. "You said that so calmly." Mark said, eyes wide. "I can't change anything about it. They may be gone, but I can still keep their memory, I have a picture from the morning we left in the back of my phone case to remember them." I said quietly. 

Amy reached over and grasped my hand, "You're so brave." 

I smiled squeezing her hand. "Can I see the picture?" Mark asked. 

I nodded, popping off the phone case and taking the small picture out, sliding it across the table. 

As Mark and Amy looked at the picture, I noticed Socks had been pretty quiet, I looked next to me and noticed she was asleep. I nudged her and she woke up frantically. She smiled at me and winked. 

As things wrapped up and my picture was returned. I smiled at the couple. "It was nice meeting you two." I stood up and pushed myself back. Going to shake their hands one more time, but they both pulled me into a hug. I smiled, confused, and enjoyed it. I went to open the door and paused, "What's your guy's last name?" 

"Fischbach and Nelson." Mark and Amy said, pointed at themselves in turn. 

"You aren't married?" I asked.

"Not yet." Mark said with an evil grin, "But Mark is the one doing the adopting, I'm just being a supportive girlfriend." Amy said.

I nodded, smiled and gave a small wave and walked out, shoving my shoulder into Jen when I passed her. I smiled. They seemed nice.





Love Ya Meeps < 3

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