Chapter 2: Too Loud {New}

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Kasey's POV

I sat at the library down the road from where I lived, Five Nights at Freddy's Two was on the screen. The end of night five was seconds away from my grasp. Then, the power turned off. I mumbled a curse under my breath and sat back, nervously bouncing my leg as I waited for Freddy to kill me. My earbuds that I had stolen from someone at the school last year were in my ears, making me more nervous then I really needed to be. I closed my eyes, waiting for the noise of the brown, furry, robot.

Then, the sound of chimes and children's cheers filled my ears. I stood up, hurting my ears as the earbuds were yanked out of my ears. Cheering loudly, jumping up and down in front of the computer.  

The entire library immediately went "SHHHH."

Then I remembered where I was and whispered a quiet, "Sorry." Sitting down and putting my earbuds back into my aching ears. I checked my dinosaur watch, it was almost time for dinner back in hell. I mean the orphanage. 

I quickly saved my game under my library profile and logged out, grabbing the books I wanted to check out and checked them out. Giving a smile to sweet old Ms. Hance. "Goodbye deary!" She called in her quivering old lady voice. I gave a wave behind me, not looking back as I stuffed a couple books into my bag. 

I ran back to my 'home' as fast as I could, running down two blocks to the place I called hell on earth. 

I quickly took off my shoes and ran upstairs to my shared room with the bitch squad and my two best friends. I stuffed my backpack underneath my bed and ran downstairs as quick as I possibly could.

I slid into the seat next to my two best friends, Melissa and Finn. 

Finn, was to my right. Finn's hair was buzzed and purple today, showing off his delicate ears.  He had his trans pride shirt on today, even though he was looked down upon for it. Finn used to be Irene, who used to be a girl. The reason why I shared a room with a boy was because the caretaker and our legal guardian, Ms. Sock, believed that Finn was still Irene, and not Finn, who was a boy, and should be in the boys room.

Melissa was to my left. Melissa's normally long and wavy brown hair was tied up in a cute bun. Her dark brown eyes scanning over me as I looked around. 

"So, did Freddy kill you again?" Melissa asked. 

I shook my head with a smile. "Nah, beat night five. I'll go back tomorrow for Nights 6 and 7."  

"Niceeeee." Finn said giving me a good high five. I nodded, turning my attention to Ms. Sock, who was taking roll. "Melissa." she said stoutly. "Here." Melissa said quietly. 


"I'm here, Ms. Sock." Jennifer said, tossing her hair. Sending a glare towards my direction.

Sock finished the roll call, myself being second last, before Finn. 

"Now, before I bring out dinner, I wanted to make an announcement that there will be people coming here tomorrow and Thursday to interview some of you to adopt. So none of you will be allowed to leave the house until after they leave for both days." Sock said.

I let out a soft groan. Nobody ever adopted me, no matter how fake I acted. 

Melissa patted me on the shoulder, "I guess Freddy will have to wait."


Hey Y'all! Just checking in! Did this chapter seem okay? 

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