Chapter 3: Wet {New}

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Kasey's POV

I woke up the next morning to a wet feeling on my forehead, I cracked my eyes open just a little, my vision still a little blurry. I opened my eyes fully to see Jen and her bitches with a bucket of water tipped over on my head. Suddenly the drips of water got faster and before I could say anything I was soaked head to toe. I let out a ear piercing scream. Finn woke up right away, sitting up. Seeing my already out of my bed, trying to shake the water off of me. Jen and her Bitches (TM). Were already back in their beds, pretending to be the perfect little angels that they were the opposite of. 

I heard stomps coming up the stairs. Finn was trying to wake up Melissa, who was probably faking the entire sleeping thing, since the lights were on, and everyone knew she could sleep with light near her face. 

"What is going on in here?!" Socks yelled. "Why are we screaming?! It is 6 am!" she said, placing her hands on her hips. "Jen and her witches poured water on me!" I yelled, doing a Vanna White move by showing off my soaking wet hair, clothes, and bed. 

"Kasey don't be so ridiculous! Jen and her friends are over there, just waking up because of your screaming! You blame them for everything, why do you always want to get them in trouble?" 

"Because they always do it!" I yelled back. 

"I saw them do it, they had the lights on Ms. Socks." Melissa mumbled into her bed. "And we all know Melissa can't sleep with the lights on!" Finn cried. "They could also easily have been faking sleeping to not get in trouble." Finn said to Socks. 

"You girls make good points." Socks said speaking to us, and turning to Jen and her Bitches (TM)

"Girls. As punishment, you are getting interviewed first by the couple coming today to adopt. I know how all of the children hate having to go first in things." Socks said. 

Jen and her Bitches (TM) groaned and glared at myself and my two bestfriends, who were now sitting on Melissa's bed. Melissa who was swatting at Finn and myself to get off so she could continued sleeping. "Goodnight girls." Socks said, shutting the doors. 

As soon as the door shut Jen got up and got in my face. "You little tattletail brat." She spat in my face, jamming her nail into my chest. "Go away, Jen." Melissa said rolling over in her bed. "You shut the hell up, band nerd." She snarled at Melissa. Finn got in Jen's face, "Back away from my friends." Finn spat back at Jen.

Jen took a threatening step towards Finn, "Okay, then little wannabe boy. Why don't you just go cry in the correct bathroom, the girls!" Jen spat. 

That's when I decked her. Right in the nose. Jen screamed in pain and then her bitches jumped on me. 

I was scratched and punched and pinched all over, with how much pain I felt, I new for sure that I had two black eyes, at the least, plus scratches all over my arms and face. 

I felt the two girls finally pulled off of me after a minute or two. Ms. Socks was above me, looking disapointed. 

"You insult my friends you get a fist in your nose." I groaned. Socks smiled slightly. "Kasey, get some ice from the kitchen. You're being interviewed first." said Socks.

As I looked up Jen was smiling wickedly, I was screwed.



(TM) was a joke. Though I kinda wanna copy right that now bc it's kinda funny. But yeah.

Love you guys! 

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