Chapter 8

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A/N: thank you so much for the 400+ reads! it means so much! and sorry for the wait!



- Third Person -

Soon the day turned into dusk. And campers gathered at entrance. Each waiting for their parents.

The first to go was Preston. He went dramatically to his gram grams car , yelling as usual , saying his farewells.

Each camper leaving on there own terms saying their farewells fit to there personality.

Soon only Nikki , Neil and Max were left.

then not so Soon after a car pulled up , it was Neils dad. Neil said his farewells giving Nikki and Max a hug.

Not too soon after Nikki's mom came in an trashy car. Nikki gave a hug to David and a big one to Max before leaving . Max waved to Nikki. Max sighed with a slight sadness sitting down to wait for his parents.

Max whispered something to himself under his breath.

" I hope my parents let me come back..." David looks to Max not completely hearing what he said.

"huh?" David questions Max. Max just gives him a glare and turns his head away.

David Looks at Max

" Hey Max?... can I wait with you?"

"Sure whatever camp man" Max grunted, He was upset because he didn't want to go back to the hell hole of his home. David had a soft smile and sat next to Max.


Silence Filled the air as they sat waiting for hours...


The Sun fell and Max and David were still waiting.

Max had fallen asleep. David sighed calling Gwen.

" Gwen I know your not at camp but your place is closer than mine.. Max's parents haven't come.. and.. I was wondering what i should do?" David said in an exhausted yet panicky voice.

" David its 2 am , ill check back on camp in the morning for any signs of Max's parents, since we can't call them without a number. Just go home" Gwen said half asleep.

" ... okay Gwen" David sighed as he hung up the phone. He sadly picked up the sleeping boy , walking to his car with him in his hands.
He buckled the sleeping child into the passenger seat . Shutting the car doors after getting in.

"What am I going to do?"


A/N: Okay wow i completely forgot about this story and im really sorry , this chapters short beacuse I want to write in a different format and stuff. So yeah, im sorry for the wait im really sorry and HOLY HECK thanks for the reads! It makes me quite happy!

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