Chapter 4

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- Third Person -

   Max turns around. 

  A sigh of relief washes over him. It was just David. And for once Max was sorta happy to see David and not someone, or something else.

 " Max what are you doing up so late?" David asked with a questioning look.

  " uh- eh NOTHING! FUCK OFF!" Max Sorta Yelled and groaned. The happy face returned back to its original state. Max folded his arms facing away from the joyful David.

  David put his arm around Max.

   " Hey buddy , you know you can talk to me?" David said in a comforting voice. Max looked weirdly at him seeming the over joyed tone in his voice had faded a little. Max sighed looking around for any other campers.

  " David... I've haven't been sleeping because... I've been having n-night-ma-mares" Max Hesitated. Max looked up at David realizing he just let his guard down. Max hid himself in his arms. David pulled max closer to him.

 " Hey Max, it's okay no monsters can hurt you" David said giving a soft smile. A sigh and small laugh came from Max.

 " heh... David your not wrong, you basically described my parents." Max sighed. David hugged Max. Max surprisingly hugged back.

 " Are your nightmares about your parents?" David said comforting. Max nodded sleepily. Max yawned. David looked at him with a soft smiled. David carried Max back to his tent and set him down with Mr.HoneyNuts. 

  David smiled at Max and left the tent.


Max's nightmare


 Max Woke up In the same place as last time. This time one of the figures was choking Max. Max screamed the best he could.

" Ah-hmp " Max struggled. The Man let go. Got two beer bottles. He smashed the first on Max's head.

" AHCKA" He screamed tears streaming from his eyes. Another bottled was being prepared to hit him. When he heard a more familiar voice of a man. Max looked up.

  " D-david?" Max coughed. David stood up to his parents yelling at them. The figures got smaller? And angry. David scooped up Max and jumped out the window. He felt safe in Davids arms? Right before they hit the ground Max woke up.

 " wh-what the hell?" He said confused. Not only was he back in his tent tucked in , but David saved him in his dream. He looked around realizing he didst look like a mess like most mornings.

  Max shook him self and got up and walking to the mess hall. He Found he woke up really late. Max dragged him self to get coffee . He sat with the gang.

 " Whoa Max you slept like a rock!" Nikki said questioning. Max's head nods and looks around not seeing David. Then Max looks out the window again seeing David.

  Instead of making his usual Joyful entrance he looked tired and came in normally?



Authors note: Hey guys! I was looking up the process of adoption and im jsut gonna put it here for later!

be at least 21 years of age, financially stable, and responsible mature adults,

complete an application (staff will assist you, if you prefer),

share information regarding their background and lifestyle,

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