I. Time and Its' Wings

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He's been ignoring  phone calls and messages for almost 3 weeks. According to him, he just not very fond with the idea of texting back. He prefers to have a direct conversation with a person. Except when his parents call or when she calls...

Well, it is not just about the texting or calling back idea that he's not very fond with. It is because he just wanted to be alone, with no single disturbance in the middle of his disappearance. He just really wanted to be by himself in his two stories condo. He even sent his dog to his brother's, Junghwan, house. Is he being too much? or overreacting?  he couldn't careless anymore about people judging him. He's too lazy to explain anyway.

His friends told him not to isolate himself for too long, because they sure will miss his rabbit smile so much. Well, that was Hoseok was telling him before he started to shut people down for this past few weeks. But his friends understand that he needed some space after what happened to him. Namjoon said that "time flies, let time heal you, bruh". Ah yes, time flies.... but what if he kept breaking its' wings? he couldn't believe himself when that thought flashed in his mind. He chuckled out of bitterness, she must have fucked with him so good that now he can't even feel anything as if he was numb.

He opened the cabinet above his head to find any coffee cup. His eyes met that lime green cup with several lily prints, rest inside of his kitchen cabinet after all this time. Wondering why he still kept that cup. He hurriedly grabbed any coffee cup he could find and shut the cabinet.

He grabbed the coffee jar from the coffee machine and started to poured it carefully to his cup. It's 8.00 o'clock in the morning , and he manage to woken up this early. He considered this as an achievement, because his sleeping schedule has been so messed up lately due to midnight contemplating he often did. He used to heard that when you find it so hard to sleep or having a sleeping disorder, is a symptoms of depression. But, hey, he's been sleeping and waking up on schedule (as most people did) for 3 days straight! at least he didn't have to see a shrink to get diagnosed if he that depressed or nah.

He took a sip of his morning coffee and decided to sat on the couch to check out what's happening on the tv today. He scanned all the channels and finally landed on MTV. Sam Smith's voice is the first thing to came out, and he realized that MTV Morning Fix program is playing Sam Smith's Too Good At Goodbye. He took another sip of his coffee as he felt a slight of pain because that song just hit him in the heart without warning.

But every time you hurt me, the less that I cried

And every time you leave me, the quicker these tears dry

And every time you walked out, the less I love you

Baby we don't stand a chance, it sad but it's true

I'm way too good at goobye

Just right when he started to sing along, he heard his door bell rang. He wonder who it is? he didn't expect any guest, I mean he still in the middle of his disappearance act until... he himself didn't know either when he'll be ready to be out there again. He approached his door and the door bell rang again. He peeked through the peeking hole at his door and found a man wearing a black cap holding a baby blue carton box. He couldn't see the man's face because the cap and the mask he was wearing covered almost of  his face

"A package for Jeon Jungkook" said the man.

Jungkook back away a little from the door. He was confused, because as he recall, he didn't buy anything online these past few days.

"Hmm, I think it is a mistake. I didn't order anything." he said shortly, hoping the man will go.

"But I'm afraid it is indeed for you, look, it even has your name on the card." the man showed him the card through the peeking hole. "See? it says to: Jungkookie from: Junghwan.

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