Prowl (tfa) x reader part1

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"Well then. That's not something you see every day." You look up into the tree to see a giant robot hanging upside down from the branches.

"Say, you're one of the autobot fellas correct?"

"I am." Prowl says mildly peeved. He was hoping to get some peace and quiet out here in the middle of a forest. Now it's only a matter of time before the human whips out their camera and starts bothering him.

"You okay up there?"

"Yes. I am simply enjoying the nature." He sighs.

You nod. Glad that he isn't stuck in the tree, or here to wreck the woods.

"Good, I'm glad at least some people still come here for the nature."

"Why else would one visit a forest?"

"Too many are just here to get drunk and party. Leaving their mess behind for me to clean up... I'm Y/n by the way, one of the forest rangers."

"My designation is Prowl. A ranger? Are you a protector of this forest?" This human might not be so bad after all.

"Sort of? Usually make sure people stay on the path and throw their trash in the bin. My team and I are also the first to respond when someone goes missing in the woods, there is an accident or when poachers are hunting the animals."

"Is hunting not the natural state?"

"For the animals in the forest. Not the humans only out for money or sport."

Prowl nods approvingly.

"Well.. Since you're not stuck in that tree, I'm gonna continue my rounds. Nice to meet you Prowl, enjoy your day!" You start your jeep and drive off.


It's been a couple of weeks since you've first met Prowl and he's returned to the woods a few more times. You've been showing him the best places to watch animals and some other pretty sights in the forest.

"Okay how about this one." You imitate the bird calls and see if Prowl knows what bird it is.

"A Kiskadee."

"You're right again! How do you know so many birds?"

"I watch nature documentaries."

"Do you really watch them or did you download 30 hours of the Flight of Birds straight into your processor."

"...I may have done that at some point."


You sit against a tree drawing a bird you've spotted on one of the brances in your A3 sketchbook. Prowl, being the sneaky ninja mech he is, has no problem approaching you without scaring away the multy coloured animal.

"What can you tell me about that bird?" Prowl murmers softly above you. He seems to enjoy quizzing you and learning more about this planet. Especially the animals.

You happily tell him everything you know in hushed whispers while you continue to draw. At some point the bird flies away but you got most of the detaiiles on paper.

"I often draw anything interesting I come across during my rounds, if I have the time to slack off of course." You tell Prowl.  "Don't tell my boss."

Prowl sounds amused. "Only if you don't tell mine I come to the forest for the same reason."

You laugh. "Deal. We slackers gotta stick together."

After you are done drawing the bird you're not sure what to draw next. You look around but don't see anything that catches your eye. After tapping on the blank page for a bit you get an idea.

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