Ratchet (tfa) x reader

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The Autobots are fighting Decepticons close to civilians. When a Constructicon rampage got out of hand, the fight spilled into a neighborhood. Bots are trying to evacuate humans while keeping cons at bay.

Optimus shouts orders to his team over the chaos. "Autobots listen up! Here's the plan. Prowl, Bulkhead and I will distract the constructicons, we'll push them back to the construction site. Ratchet and Bumblebee will evacuate the civilians, get them behind police barricades or off the streets."

Confusion and panic breaks loose among the humans as blaster shots fly. The shots barely miss the fleeing crowd as Ratchet and Bee shield them and race people to safety.

Thanks to Optimus' quick plan the autobots got the upper hand back and the fight is slowly tampering off. The Cons decide to cut their losses and start retreating, firing shots to cover their escape.
One blaster shot however, takes a wild curve, missing the defending bots entirely, going instead straight for a small child.
Y/n in a last ditch effort tries to push away her son but the shot still hits the five year old, taking out a decent chunk of his arm.

Y/n gathers her child up in her arms. She bundles him up in her coat and uses her shirt to vainly try to stop the bleeding. She cradles her child close as she runs up to the autobot ambulance. Ratchet had transformed in vehicle mode to get the last people out quickly.

"Take us to the hospital. Hurry!"

"Lady I might look like one of your earths emergency vehicles but-"

"I don't give a damn! You are going to take us right now or I'll hot-wire you and drive myself!"

Her eyes are crazed and with her upper body quickly going red from what Ratchet presumes is her sparklings life fluids he has no doubt that wasn't a mere threat. In his years as medic he's learned to never take a desperate carriers words lightly.

"hmph. Don't get your circuits in a twist." Ratchet races to the hospital. Grumbling about weak humans not even able to stand a single blaster shot, and bleeding all over his interior.

The lady is too focused on shushing her child and keeping pressure on the wound to retort.


After he reported back to Optimus and confirmed no one needed medical attention, Ratchet decides to check on the pair he'd saved earlier in the day. He finds her pacing back and forth outside of the hospital. Ratchet decides to forego his vehicle mode, just in case someone mistook him again.

"How's the kid?" He asks in place of a greeting. Ratchet has never been one for small talk.

"The doctors said he would live." Y/n answers relieved.

She looks calmer. With the wild look in her eyes diminished, Ratchet takes notice of the colour. It is quite pleasing, for an organics optics that is.

"But it's still unclear if they can safe his arm." She finishes worriedly never breaking her nervous pacing.

"Hmph. If its only an arm damaged get a new one. These "prosthetics" are better than your organic little limbs anyway."

"You're such an insensitive prick! That is my baby on the operating table. I could have lost him today! And you just have to keep making jabs at how weak humans are! Well sorry not everyone in the universe is a dumb rusty robot!"

"I'm not a robot." Ratchet says annoyed. "And I may be old, but i'm not rusty either."

Y/n is angry and scared but not at Ratchet. "... Sorry. You've done nothing but help my son and me, I shouldn't have gone off because of a few jabs."

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