I look at her she got up then threw the towel at my precious face

"Y-yah!!" this dummy! Ugh

"Take a bath,we have school to attend,the uniform is in my drawer then there's a unused underwear there,I'll go outside now." she said not waiting for my response.

My head still hurts,I can't remember what happen last night of how I got in here,all I remember is that I'm drinking while looking at Lisa that night but she's looking at the dance floor probably checking out other girls! I got annoyed that time so I chugged all the shots that were given to me.

I don't know why I acted like that,stupid Lisa.

After I finish doing my routine I went down, I can smell her shampoo from me.'gosh I smell like her.'

"Morning Jennie!" Eury smiled while placing the pancakes on table while Lisa was busy reading.

"Morning." I smiled shyly

"Coffee?" Eury asked

I nodded

"So do you remember what happen last night?" I shake my head.

"I don't remember any." I said while glancing at Lisa

Eury place my coffee

"Here let's eat now." she said while clapping


"So you don't really remember huh? Too bad." she said in the middle of breakfast while shaking her head

"What is it?" I innocently asked.

"Nah maybe jisoo will tell it to you later." she said smirking

Lisa got up making me look up at her

"Let's go." she coldly said

"Me?" I asked while pointing myself

"Who else?" She said,making me pout in annoyance. dummy!

She turned to eury.

"We're going now I'll drop her in her house,I'll just see you in the school later." she said

"Oh dropping girlfriend eh?" She tease Lisa ignored her then went out while I'm still on the chair blushing.

"W-were going now thank you for the breakfast and for letting me stay here." I bowed.

"Aaishhh no need to be formal dumpling! Besides I think you got some effect on my couz there hihi I think you look cute together." she said   while chuckling.

"Y-yaahh!" I yelled

" just go now that beast is impatient." she said smirking while sipping her coffee

"See you later." i waved as I walk out of their house.

She nodded while raising her cup.

I look at Lisa whose leaning in her ducati coldly staring at me.

"Done chit chatting?" She coldly said.

I smirk she sounds jealous

"Wae? Are you jealous?" I said as I crossed my arm while smirk at her.

But it surprise me when she leaned down on me.

"What if I am? What are you gonna do about it?" She asked huskily,that my eyes widened.

"Y-yahh! Don't be too close dummy!" I said turning around as I hold my chest that keeps hammering inside

She smirk then turn to her ducati grabbing the helmet.

She put it on my head causing me to look up her since she's tall.

"Staring is rude." she said

"I'm not staring!" I lied

"Ok." She said then sat on her bike she look at me "hop in."

"Excused me? I'm not riding that thing!" She stares at me blankly then started the engine making me panicked

"Then walk." she said she was about to go when I grabbed her arm

"w-wait I'm just kidding hihi" I said as I fakely smile but on my head I was already choking her to death.

"So choosy." She mumbled while I make weird expression behind her back

"Hold on." what? I was about to ask her when she drives really fast.


I hugged her tight while yelling

"S-slow down!" I said as I close my eyes tight.

After a few minutes were already infront of my house.

"Were here. you can stop hugging me now." she said, I glared at her.

"You idiot! I nearly died because of you!" I said,i removed the helmet then gave it to her.

"But you didn't." She said she was about to go when I stop her.

"W-wait! i- uh thank you for taking care of me last night and for dropping me on my house." I said stuttering and probably blushing so I look down.

But I got annoyed again when she only respond Ok then drove off

I pouted while stomping my foot going in our house.

I slammed the door open that the maids got startled.

"Ma'am j-jennie?" I glared at them.

As I walk on my room to get my bag and go to school its still 8:09

'I better ask jisoo uniie later about what happen last night and why I ended up sleeping with that dork.'
I'm on my way now with my car I can't wait to asked the chikin later.



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