Admitting you like someone

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Two weeks, it took two weeks to get over my sickness, it felt like forever that I would be well again. Breathing in deeply I ventured out in search of something to do, my thoughts wondered to whether I should draw out my assassin friend, or if I shouldn't bother them.

My thoughts were interrupted when a women ran out of a building, letters and books dropped out of her arms as she rushed by, taking this as an opportunity I rushed forwards and grabbed up every last dropped letter and book. Claiming my bounty, I scampered to my home, but I couldn't make it there when a voice called out above me, soon multiple red coated blighters rushed over to me, I made a quick decision to run instead of taking chances with the stairs and flimsy door that lead to my home. Bolting down the street I tried my best to weave my way into large crowds and down ally ways, I was almost sure I was safe until I was pulled into a stationary carriage. I tried my best to escape but the grip on me was tight, I stopped moving and felt the grip loosen.

"What trouble have you gotten yourself into now?" I smiled weakly before presenting the small pile of letters and books.

"The normal, how did you know I would run past here?" I asked, he took the pile out of my hands and tapped on the roof if the carriage, it then jolted forward and were were moving.

"I was scouting out the area when I noticed the women from the borrow run out with all the documentation, I then saw you swoop in." I laughed, of course it wasn't by accident that she was carrying more then she could, Jacob had scared her off.

"Well, I am thankful you managed to rescue me yet again!" I sighed in relief, I felt his hands pick up mine.

"If I didn't know better I'd say that you were looking for attention." He mused bringing a hand up to his lips before giving it a kiss. I rolled my eyes and pulled my hand free from his.

"I'm sad to say my dear, that I'm taken, my heart belongs to another!" I sighed dramatically, his head raised, an inquisitive look to his hazel brown eyes.

"Really now, who is this lucky lad?" I laughed at his question, if only he knew it was him.

"A lady never tells." He smirked as he tapped on the roof on the carriage, the vehicle suddenly pulling to a stop.

"Then I hope he treats you well." He finished his sentence with a slight hiss, his eyes held some emotion I had yet to understand.

"Do take care with those, I feel your sister will be most pleased with the find." The door closed behind me and the driver pulled away.

A few days later I was walking about town when a small child runs up to me. The child was filthy, his once clean skin caked in soot and muck. The child hurried over, his leg on the left seeming to limp more than the other one.

"Excuse me ma'am." I looked down at the small child, there were soot stains on his face.

"How may I help you?" I asked as the child took large breaths in, a wheezing sound coming from his lungs.

"I have a letter for you, your name is Grace init?" He asked as he pulled an envelop out of his overall pocket. The pure white of the envelope soiled by the soot of his hands.

"How did you know it was me?" I asked as I took the once white coloured envelop.

"The man told me to look for a pretty women with dark hair and pretty hazel eyes." I smiled warmly at the child, I fished around for my purse and placed a few coins in his smaller hands.

"Thank you." Opening the letter and read a familiar handwriting. The little boy smiles and snatches the coins out of my hand, his legs already limping him away.

"Dear Grace,
Please meet me out by the Bank of England.
Yours patiently, Jacob." Raising an eyebrow, I set out to find Jacob. After a few minutes of traveling around England, I made it to the building, I scanned the crowds in an attempt to spot him but I couldn't. Deciding that he might be waiting along one of the other sides of the building I began to walk.

"Surprise!" Someone suddenly yells as they grab me from behind.

"Jacob!?" I screamed before quickly cupping a hand over my mouth, once he let me go I slapped his stomach causing him to groan before laughing it off.

"Is that all you wanted from me?" I snipped as I walked away.

"No, but you looked so unsuspecting, I had to!" He replied as he caught up to me, his arm sliding under my right, his hand holding mine.

"What I came for is to ask you something." We stopped at the edge of the sidewalk and waited for the carriages to pass.

"And that is?" I asked, still holding an air of being upset without being so.

"That you let me meet this man you said 'stole your heart'." I choked on air.

"Why on earth would I let you do that?" I eventually managed to catch my breath.

"Well, it would be a shame to allow some thug the opportunity to hold such a lovely women." He stated in a smug matter.

"There's no need for that, I can manage on my own." I stated, I watched a frown appear on Jacob's face.

"As much as I'd like for a knight such as yourself to come to my rescue should I need it, I believe it a waste of your time." I finished as I pulled myself free of Jacob's grip.

"Please Jacob, do have a lovely day!"
Walking away I just managed to hear a muffled curse.

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