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My feet froze and my face felt like needles were pricking my skin, the city was covered in snow and the stores around town were lit up and decorated with various ornaments and toys. Walking around, I watched as families gathered around toy stores, the young children begging their parents to buy them something. Continuing on my way, I made it to a local wood carver, I opened the door and was greeted with the scent of wood chipping's and the jingle of the bell at the upper corner on the door.

"Evening ma'am, what can I do for you?" The craftsman asked as he made his way towards the front if the store, his apron covered in wood shavings.

"Good evening, I'm here to collect a jewellery box." The owner if the store paused in thought before he moved under the long bench towards a shelf with a box wrapped in shiny red paper.

"Would this be the one, miss Hoffman?" He asked as he red the tag tied into the ribbon.

"Yes that's me, how much do I owe?" I asked as I pulled the small pouch of money.

"Half price, tis the season and all." He joked, I smiled at the attempt at humour and payed the man.

"Thank you!" The man waved me goodbye as I felt the warm store into the colder night air, I had a few other places to go before I could head home, I hadn't bothered with a carriage considering I wasn't to far from home.

"Excuse me ma'am, could you spare a few coins?" I stopped in my tracks, there were still children on the street in this weather, it made my heart clench.

"Indeed I can, spend it wisely." I whispered to the small boy, his face seemed hollow and his skin seemed to cling to his bones, I watched his face light up before he scampered off.

Throughout the night I continued to gather all the gifts I had arranged a head of time before stopping by a store I hadn't been in since I got my new belts and knife sharpened. Stepping into the building, I looked around at the weapons on display and thought back to when I found Jacob in my home, he had so many hissed weapons on him.

"Oh, miss Hoffman, what do I owe the pleasure?" The owner asked, I pulled my gaze away from a pair of brass knuckles.

"I was looking for a new weapon, have anything interesting?" I asked as I placed the bags and boxes on the floor next to my feet.

"Your sudden interest in weaponry has me worried, you haven't gotten yourself into any trouble have you?" He asked, he eyed me skeptically, I shook my head, of course I was in trouble from time to time, but he didn't need to know.

"It's not for me, it's for a friend." He eyes softened, but I knew he still had reservations about letting me get my hands on another blade or even a gun.

"Anything they fancy in particular?" He asks as he gestured to the glass cases before us.

"Maybe a knife or maybe a cane?" I watched as the owner moved about and pulled out a couple trays of blades, all variations of sizes and colours. Next walked over to a crate of canes, picked a few and brought the over.

"How about these?" He asked as I looked over each piece, I ended up picking out a sliver blade that bended at an angle and a cane with an owl on the hilt that doubled as a sword. I payed the owner then left the store, the clock on the wall chimed signalled that the time was ten at night and that I should really get home.

The night had passed by, I woke up to the family house next door suddenly erupting in volume as the two boys demanded their parents to get up, I groaned but smiled at the small moment of cheer. I eventually got out of bed and dressed myself, I had a few places to go today and it might take me a while to find everyone I have on my list. Once dressed I head out the door with all the gifts from yesterday and went looking for the nearest carriage, most were in use so I gave up and walked over to my brothers, upon arrival I was pulled into a tight hug.

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