Developing a crush

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The week had passed and all the collection I had was now in the possession of the twins, it was nice working with them, they seemed really into the records and people mentioned in the letters. Going about my day as usual, I had thought that I wouldn't see ghostly shadows following me anymore, but it seems I was wrong, before I could figure out where it went a loud thump came from right next to me. I turned around and saw Jacob crouched down before he stood up and brushed the hood off his head and placed his top hat back on.

"Morning Miss Hoffman." He greeted as if he hadn't just fallen off the building.

"Uh, g-good morning Jacob." I stuttered as he turned so his side faced mine and held out his arm.

"Thought I'd drop in and see how you were fairing." I laughed unexpectedly at the joke, I felt his head turn to me and smirk.

"All jokes aside, have you had any trouble lately?" He asked as we turned the corner and headed for the local park.

"No, the only trouble I seem to have these days is an ever persistent man in a hood following me." I sighed, I didn't hate the fact he was doing what he was doing, I just didn't understand why.

"Hm, perhaps you'd prefer the shadow become flesh, you're blushing quite red." He whispered into my ear, I shy'd away from the man's accusation, was I really made of glass to the point anyone could read me?

"I know better than to ask of such things, that shadow seems like a busy and dangerous man." I replied, the heat in my face still present.

"Anyway, how goes the archiving?" I asked before Jacob could get a word out.

"Archiving? What do you think we're doing with what you gave us?" I didn't know what to make of that, if he wasn't archiving it, then what was it being used for?

"I thought you were working with the authorities, I thought you were returning the documents to the police archives." I eyed Jacob, what was he up to, had I made a mistake giving him the documents?

"Not this time, I can't tell you more about it, but I can say that it's helped my sister and I solve a lot of problems." That put my mind at ease, I was still wary of him but I know that he was a good man, even if he was secretive.

"So I have to know, if you're a gang leader, then why would you personally keep an eye on me?" I asked as we can to a stop in front of a bench, I sat down as soon as we reached it, Jacob looked around before sitting next to me.

"I could have let the rooks watch over you, but I felt the circumstances required a level of professionalism my Rook's don't really posses." He answered as he slouched slightly into the wooden bench, before I could speak I notice a crowd forming a few meters away.

"What's going on?" I wondered aloud, I went to stand up when Jacob held his arm in front of me.

"I'll see what's going on, stay here."
Before I could respond he walked off towards the crowd, I crossed my arms and waited for him to return, but I couldn't stop the thoughts of if I were to hide from him, would he come looking for me? Lost in thought I hadn't noticed the figure approaching from my right, I looked over and noticed the blood dripping from his body, but I couldn't see any wounds.

"Sir, are you alright?" I asked as I stood up from the bench, the man had continued to approach, he drew out a weapon and charged at me, with in seconds I had just dodged his attack and reached for my blade.

"I warn you, I will protect myself should you continue!" He just snarled and lunged at me again, I stepped to the side and slashed upward across his side and chest, he howled before turning on his heel and aiming for my chest. The fight between the two of us when on for a few moments until I managed to slice the space between his head and torso causing a wave of blood to spill out and further soak his cloths.

"Grace!" A voice yells pulling me out of my daze.

"Jacob?" I guessed, I couldn't take my eyes off the dying man at my feet.

"Grace, look at me!" I felt faint, I couldn't move, I knew I was shaking and I watched the world begin to spin.

"It's alright, I have you." The world went back as I swayed and landed into Jacob.

I gasped awake, I looked around the room and noticed the familiar decretive walls, I was back on the train I had met the twins.

"You're awake, good." I turned to my left, Evie was sitting next to the bedside, a bloodied rag in her hand, I looked at her quizzically, she looked down at her hands.

"Oh, your face was covered in blood just like your hands, your nose also began to bleed." She states, I reached a hand to me nose before bringing it back into vision, she had been telling the truth, my fingertips had a small smudge of red on them.

"I assume Jacob carried me here." She nodded and gestured to the seat in front of the window, Jacob was sitting there with his hat resting on the table, a cup of what I'm assuming to be tea rested in front of him.

"He seemed rather smiley for someone so worried about your safety." I hadn't the slightest idea of what she was on about, I turned my eyes back to Jacob and saw he had looked over himself and smiled widely.

"Finally awake, how are you feeling?"
He asked as he approached, I sat up slowly given that my head still felt lite.

"A little better, I can't believe I killed someone!" I whispered in disbelief, a hand soon rested itself on my shoulder.

"I understand that what happened was traumatic, but the memory will fade with time." Evie offered, I smiled weakly at her before she stood up with the equipment she had used to clean me off.

"I have to admit Grace, I didn't believe you when you said you had gotten better with time." He gestured to the blade in his hand, on closer observation I recognised it as mine.

"I'll admit, it was impressive to see in action." His eyes met mine and I felt my face heat up again.

"If you wanted I could give you a few pointers." I bit my lip, it would be nice to know how to better protect myself, but the memory of the crazy mans face as life drained away stopped me.

"I understand if you need time to process recent events, you'll know where to find me when you make up your mind." He finished off with a kiss to the back of my left hand, stood up and left the same way his sister had a few minutes ago, I was left to my own thoughts. I breathed in deep and relaxed onto the covers of the bed, as I did so only one thought was prominent: what had I gotten myself into?

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