Getting to know them

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After the events of last month I've made it my personal goal to carry a weapon on me at all times while I walk around the city of London. The month after that kidnapping was rough, it might have been my paranoia talking but, I swear that a shadow was following me. I've looked everywhere and I haven't found who the shadow belongs to.

"Grace darling, what are you doing here?" James' wife Elizabeth asked as she pulled me inside.

"I was just visiting, wanted to see how my brother and yourself were doing."
I explained as I hugged her, her stomach was already beginning to grow.

"How's he doing?" I asked referring to my brother whom I couldn't see.

"He's better now, his wounds were gone rather quickly." She beamed as she scampered into the small kitchen.

"He's gone back to work then?" I mused as I observed the small sitting room next to the front door.

"Oh yes, he's practically drowned himself in paper work." Always so chipper, I could see why my brother was so fond of her company.

"So it's safe to assume that he's over blaming himself for my kidnapping then?" I asked loud, a loud bang came from upstairs before heavy footfalls raced down the stairwell and towards me.

"I'm so sorry Grace, I shouldn't have let them take you." I embraced my brother, he was never a cryer but I always knew when he truly felt upset.

"Brother, you were under the influence, you couldn't have done much to stop it." None the less he shook his head and squeezed his hands on my shoulders, he eyes more serious then I've ever seen them before.

"I was so disappointed in myself that I let those half witted mongrels take you so easily!" It upsets me to see him like this but it can't be helped seeing as he's worked himself up enough to find himself out of character.

"James love, it's alright that man brought her back and she's safe." Elizabeth interjected as she laid a soft hand on his shoulder, his shoulders slouched slightly before he straightened up and let go of my shoulders.

"I suppose you are right love, I'm sorry for the dramatics sister." I laughed him off, he joined in before offering a cup of tea.

After a couple of hours passed I left my brothers house and began my way back to my home, the sun was high in the sky and the streets were busy with people. Walking around the city once offered entertainment and peace, now I kept watching for red coats, large groups of people and that hooded man from before. Before I could go home I had to make a stop at a few places around London. As I went about my day I noticed the shadow again, I watched it move around the crowds and buildings, I quickened my pace and entered the open door to my right.

"Welcome Grace." A hushed voice greeted as I walked into the large room, I sighed in relief as I stepped forward and rested my hand on the counter.

"Good evening, John." I greeted as I looked over the arrangements of sharpened knives and their polished engravings.

"Anything I can do for you today?" I nodded my head and pulled my weapon and belt off.

"Could you fix these for me?" I noticed the look of surprise on the poor mans face.

"What happened to it, it's practically shredded!" He gasped in amazement.

"Funny story that." After a long telling of the past months events he seemed even more surprised the belts looked as they did.

"I'm sure I can give the blade a sharpening but I'm afraid that a new belt might be needed." I didn't expect anything different, I payed the man for his service and left with my blade and new belts.

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