Chapter 6

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You are now Dave Strider.

From the moment your phone's alarm goes of at 6:30 A.M. on Friday, February 14th, you know that this day will be unlike any other. Why? You're not quite sure. All that you are sure about is that you can't wait to get into your car and see John.

Your inexplicable joy is so massive that you actually arrive at John's house 5 minutes early, something you'd never do while in your right mind, since John's hardly ever ready for you when you're on time. To your surprise, however, John bursts out of his front door just seconds after you honk your horn. He walks to your car with a certain spring in his step, and you're so glad to see him sharing your good mood that you don't even reprimand him for slamming Sam's door shut.

He turns to smile at you as soon as he sits down. "Happy Valentine's Day!" he says, obviously proud of himself for remembering the holiday.

You laugh and lean over to kiss him softly. "Happy Valentine's Day, Egbabe."

Usually John hates that nickname, but today he doesn't even comment. As you set off down the road, he asks about your plans for tonight. "My place, right?"

"Unless you'd prefer otherwise," you reply.

"Nope, my place," he says. "But you get the pizza."

"No problem." Tonight won't be anything too extraordinary, just the two of you watching some movies and hanging out. Nevertheless, you can't wait for it to come.

The rest of the ride is idle between the two of you, most of the conversation consisting of speculation about the school's atmosphere today. You both agree that Valentine's Day will bring public displays of affection around every corner, and the anticipation of the weekend will have every student bouncing in their seats. You're no exception to the latter trend, but not being able to so much as hold hands with John will probably make you even more anxious.

You arrive at school much earlier than usual, so you park behind the school by the dumpsters, where your car sits alone among those belonging to the school janitors. It's not until 7:56 that you realize school starts in 4 minutes, and John is currently in your lap. John follows your gaze to the clock on your dashboard, and you both laugh in unison. You share one last kiss and then get out of the car together (after checking to make sure there's nobody around to see you). It isn't until you and John have parted ways and you're halfway through U.S. History that the reality of the situation hits you: you are stuck in this Hell hole with 6 hours you get to John's house. You sigh and sink into your seat, closing your eyes behind your glasses for a quick nap.

The day seems to take 10 times longer than usual, all of your time in class with John robbed from you by your teachers. Lunch, where John (somewhat reluctantly) agrees to hold your hand under the table, is your only salvation. All of your friends are feeling the excitement of the day. Even Kanaya and Rose, despite all their talk against Valentine's Day, can't resist leaving lunch 10 minutes early to "go to the library."

After far too many treacherous classes, you finally end your day right where it started: in your car with John. The promise of the approaching night raises your spirits at about 100 miles per hour.

On the drive to John's house, you run your plans for tonight by him. "Does Ghostbusters sound good to you?"

John raises his eyebrows at you suspiciously. "Are you gonna diss the movie the whole time?"

You have already prepared yourself for this. "Not at all." You know that John will probably like sharing these movies with you almost as much as he will his actual gift. As hard as it will be to keep your comments to yourself, you're sure you can handle it.

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