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flagstaff | chapter nine

Morning finally arrives, and Dakota wakes up, finding Sam is not in his bed

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Morning finally arrives, and Dakota wakes up, finding Sam is not in his bed. She furrows her eyebrows slightly before looking through her bag for a new outfit, having not changed the night before because she had been too tired. 

She puts on a pair of blue jeans and a white t shirt. Throwing her clothes from the day before onto her bed, Dakota walks out of the room to the smell of coffee. She grins as she sees Sam stood in the doorway holding two cups of coffee from a diner or something. 

"Morning sunshine." He grins, Dakota rolls her eyes but catches herself chuckling slightly. 

"How long have you been up?" She asks, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Eh, a while. This is my second coffee run. Thought you might like one too." Sam holds one of the cups of coffee out to her. "I, uh, didn't know how you like it so I just got black coffee and brought some sugar packets too." Dakota grins and takes the cup from him.

"How much sugar did you get?" She asks, Sam just digs through his pocket and brings out five packets making the young blonde laugh. "Five? Really, Sam?"

"What? My brother sometimes has eight." He shrugs. Dakota grimaces slightly and Sam laughs. "Yeah, I know. It's gross. But Dean is, well, he's Dean."

"Yeah, well I'm surprised he doesn't have diabetes." Dakota states, Sam immediately nods in agreement. 

Sam sits on one of the chairs at the table, which Dakota now realises is scattered with open books and notes, and he takes a sip of his coffee. "He never eats a salad." He continues, not looking up from the book he's now scanning.

"Uh, yeah." Dakota nods absently. "What's with the notes?" She sits opposite him at the table, raising an eyebrow when he finally looks up at her.

"Oh, uh. I was trying to figure things out about that connection the demons spoke of." He explains, picking up some of the notes and handing them over to Dakota, she eagerly takes them. "I haven't found much, but there's some things in there."

Soulmates - A soulmate is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural. This may involve; similarity, love, romance, platonic relationships, comfort, intimacy, sexuality, sexual activity, spirituality, compatibility and trust. It is believed that when they die, soulmates are to share a Heaven.

Dakota's eyes widen slightly at the word, but when she reads it doesn't have to be romantic she relaxes slightly. She won't deny that she may or may not feel something for Sam other than friendship, but she doesn't want to be forced into anything because of some bond drawing them together. 

"Oh, right, the Soulmates stuff." Sam obviously noticed the look on Dakota's face. Her head snaps up and the two share an awkward look. "I don't think that's it. But it was the first thing I found and thought it was the closest thing I had found so far."

"How long have you been doing this?" Dakota questions, looking at the notes in her hands.

"A few hours." Sam shrugs. "I'm used to waking up early, my Dad rarely lets us stay in bed late. The times it's just me and Dean, I try, but I am just so used to waking up early that it's become a kind of routine."

"Oh." Dakota nods. "So there wasn't much you could find?" There are only two pieces of paper in her hands, and that indicates to her that he hasn't found much. Sam sighs and shakes his head.

"No. Sorry, Kota." He sighs. Dakota smiles slightly at the nickname, and realises how natural it sounded coming from Sam and lets out a small chuckle that goes unnoticed by Sam. 

Dakota looks back at the notes and starts reading them again as Sam goes back to reading through the books and taking the occasional note, she realises how naturally he does it, how automatic it all is. 

Psychic Connections are Spiritual connections that exist between two people. There are various types of this connection. 
Symptoms - 
1. Sudden and uncontrollable mood changes. This is a result of feeling the other persons moods as well as your own. (✗) 
2. Feeling oddly attracted so someone yet you can't find any logical explanations to that attraction. (✓) 
3. Feeling someone is familiar, yet you have never met before, this is your first time meeting them. (✓
Possible Reasons - 
1. Potential Soulmates
2. Twin Flames - Two unique halves who when joined form one complete soul. Twin flames are a male and female. Since twin flames are completely identical (except looks), they think, act, feel and sense the same way.
3. Kindred Spirits - 
Two people who are similar and share a lot of similarities. These similarities could be spiritual beliefs, feelings, orientation or attraction to something. Kindred spirits are somehow similar to twin flames but there is a difference. The difference being that kindred spirits share similarities more on the mental and physical realms as opposed to twin flames who share similarities in the spiritual realm only.
4. Past Life Connections - The two people could have been one soul in a past life, but became two in their current lives.
5. Karma Connection - All about how your past affects your present. 
People can only have a Psychic Connection with one person!

Dakota nods along as she reads the notes, chancing a quick glance at Sam who she sees is still reading quickly through the book in front of him, and taking notes.

As if sensing she's looking at him, which he probably did to be honest, Sam looks up and their eyes meet.

"I finished reading." Dakota tells him, Sam nods with a small smile. "Is there anything else? Anything you can explain?"

"Well, I also found some other symptoms of a Psychic Connection and it said you can sometimes sense when the other person is in danger. I felt that Yesterday when you had been taken by demons, and you mentioned that the Demons were sure that I'd be able to tell. But the thing is, I have never felt that before. And I don't know if you have or not?" He explains, the last sentence sounding more like a question.

Dakota shakes her head. "Never felt anything like it. I mean, Yesterday, when you were with me and the Demons I had a weird feeling. It only intensified when you were fighting them. But I have never felt it before." 

"Well I have been in danger multiple times in the past." Sam tells her. "Which is what confuses me. If we have this connection, and we felt it Yesterday, why hadn't we felt it before?"

"I don't know." Dakota shakes her head, biting her lip slightly. "I have no idea."

FLAGSTAFF // Young Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now