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flagstaff | chapter twenty four

Dakota wakes up with strong arms around her

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Dakota wakes up with strong arms around her. She blinks groggily and shuffles slightly to look to the boy laying behind her.

"Morning Buttercup." He murmurs, loosening his grip slightly so Dakota can turn around. She clutches the blanket around her naked form as she stares into deep hazel eyes. 

"Good morning." She whispers, pressing a short kiss to his cheek. Dakota wraps her arms around Sam's neck as his come back to her waist. "I love you."

Sam chuckles slightly. "I love you too, Kota." 

"Well I'm glad." She states, making Sam smile at her, his eyes flickering between her eyes and lips until he finally makes the decision to press a soft kiss to her lips. 

When they finally break away, Sam strokes Dakota's arm gently. "You hungry?" He asks, Dakota nods slightly. 

"Yeah. Starving actually." She admits, stomach rumbling straight after as if proving the point, making Sam chuckle softly.

"Want me to go out and buy breakfast?" He questions. Dakota shakes her head adamantly. 

"No." She sighs. "I never want you to leave this bed. I just want to stay like this forever and ever and just never leave. Never be bothered by the outside world. Just be together." 

"I wish it were that simple, Kota. But unfortunately, our stomachs crave food and we can't live without it. Therefore, at some point, one of us is going to have to get out of bed and get breakfast." Sam reminds her with a fake frown. "But I too wish we could just stay here forever."

Dakota presses her head into Sam's chest, blonde hair ticking him slightly and making him chuckle. "Just a little longer? Then you can go get that breakfast our so called stomachs apparently crave?"

Sam presses a kiss to her head and speaks softly. "Of course, Buttercup. Anything you want."

Dakota shivers slightly under his lips, curling her legs up, wedging them between their chests. "Can we talk?" She whispers. "I want to know more about the elusive Sam Winchester who I have grown to love."

"Okay." She feels him nod against her head. "What do you want to know, Miss Quinn?"

"Everything. Uh, favourite thing you ever did with your family." She decides, turning her head to look up at his face. A small and thoughtful frown appears on his lips, before they're graced with a beautiful smile.

"There was this one time, it was about three years ago. So I was twelve and Dean was sixteen. Dad had a case that Dean and I couldn't help him with, in other words he was off getting drunk somewhere." Sam rolls his eyes slightly and Dakota frowns in confusion, this was supposed to be a good memory. "So he dropped us off at Bobby's. Bobby is pretty much a second father to us, we used to call him Uncle Bobby. Well he had been told to keep us training with whatever the Hell we were doing in that time. But Bobby always hated that Dad didn't give us normal childhoods. So he took us out into the forest behind the Salvage Yard, he owns it you see? Well we built a tree house. Spent the whole day out there, we didn't just build, Dean and I started throwing dirt at each other at some point and Bobby ended up involved in that too. It was just an amazing day. Course Dad wasn't very happy when he came to pick us up three days later, that we hadn't been training. Dean of course got himself out of it by apologising. I however got mad at him. But that doesn't matter, this was a good memory."

Dakota smiles at the story, glad that Sam seems to have at least had a few good times growing up. She had thought that his childhood was always miserable except the few times Dean took him to do something. But the way he spoke about Bobby, that indicates that he took the boys out to do things often.

"This Bobby guy seems cool." Dakota acknowledges with a smile, peering at Sam's face which is covered in a grin. 

"He really is. He treats Dean and I equally, you know? Even if it's obvious to me he favours Dean. But he praises us for things we do. Dad only ever praises Dean, and it's always about Hunting. Not that Dean is actually interested in anything but Hunting." Sam shrugs his shoulders, a sad frown appearing on his face. He quickly shakes his head, as if shaking the thoughts away, and smiles down at his girlfriend. "What about you? Favourite memory with your family?"

Dakota grins as she remembers many times with her family. But one in particular stands out to her. "My fifteenth birthday." She tells him softly. "It was perfect! We went to the beach for the day, swam in the sea, built sandcastles and played games. Ate pizza and drank coke and lemonade. It was amazing! But then it started raining." A small giggle escapes her lips. "My family all panicked, thought my birthday was ruined. But as they panicked, I ran towards the sea laughing and I just enjoyed the rain. I didn't care that it was raining. So what? Just a bit of rain. Eventually everyone realised I was still having fun, and we just continued like we had been doing before the rain."

As Dakota tells the story, she notices a smile on Sam's face. A sad smile. She sighs, knowing exactly why it's sad, he wishes his family could be like that. She knows he wishes his family could have days out like that. 

"That sounds wonderful, Kota." He states, and she can tell he means it. He sounds wistful and sad, but he also sounds genuine, like he really does love that she has had such days with her own family while he couldn't.

"It was." She agrees happily, before a frown overcomes her features and a sea of sadness fills her heart. "But I'm never going to see my family again." She whispers, voice breaking slightly.

Sam shuffles slightly so he's sitting up and pulls Dakota into a sitting position too, using his index finger to lift her chin slightly to look into her eyes. "Hey, Kota. You can see your family again, whenever you're ready! I know you miss them. If you want, we could go see them. Or you could go home. I'm not saying I wouldn't miss you, but if that's what you want, well I am not going to keep you here against your will."

"No, no! No, Sam! I want to stay here with you. I told you I love you and I meant it. I told you I do not regret any of this. Maybe one day I will get the courage to go and see my family again. But that day isn't today, and most likely won't be for a while." Dakota explains, leaning her head into Sam's shoulder and gripping his arm.

"Okay. Just know, I will go with you if you ever want to see them." Sam tells her. Dakota nods, because she knows. She would never doubt it. "I'm going to go and get us some breakfast. What do you want?"

"Surprise me." Dakota grins as Sam climbs out of bed and gets dressed, she can't help but let her eyes roam over his muscled body. 

Sam turns around and smirks as he finishes pulling his shirt on. "I know you were staring, Blondie." He winks before walking out of the room leaving a very red faced young blonde staring at the space he'd been standing. 

FLAGSTAFF // Young Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now