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flagstaff | chapter twenty nine

Dakota Quinn stares up at the house

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Dakota Quinn stares up at the house. The house that could break her even more, or help rebuild what's broken. 

Slowly and unsurely, Dakota makes her way up the front steps and raises her hand to the door. She knocks softly. 

The door swings open and Dakota sucks in a sharp breath at the sight of her older sister, she looks like death itself. 

"Dakota?" Dallas whispers, voice cracking and tears falling from her eyes.

"Yeah." Dakota nods, fresh tears trailing down her face. "Yeah, Dallas, it's me." Next thing she knows Dakota is enveloped in a hug from a sobbing older sister.

"We missed you so much, Dakota." She murmurs.

"I missed you too, Dallas." Dakota nods against her older sisters shoulder. "I am so sorry I ran away! I will explain it all to you later, but right now. Where's Mom and Dad?"

"We're right here, sweetheart." A male voice comes from behind her. Dakota's eyes widen and she spins around to find her parents stood in the driveway with bags of groceries in their hands, tears in their eyes. 

"Mom! Dad!" Dakota is immediately crushed between her parents in a hug, Dallas soon joining the family. "I missed you."

"We missed you too, DJ." Her Dad tells her. " You have no damn idea how much we missed you."

"I'm sorry." Dakota chokes out, repeating it over and over. 

"So are we." Her Mom states. "We're sorry too, honey."

Later that night, Dakota lay in bed sobbing. Thoughts of Sam consuming her. She tries to convince herself that she will see him again. 

But it all seemed too final.

FLAGSTAFF // Young Sam WinchesterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant