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{Amelia's POV}

Who am I? Is the question that runs through every teenagers mind but do they always have the answer to that?

Who I think I am is constantly changing and it's hard to find my places in society especially high school.

Although that one faithful night had decided my place and that was queen bee. Did I want that? Truthfully, I did just like every girl.

But what did I have to say or do to get there? Whether it was right or wrong I did it anyway, I fucked up big time. I'll tell you my story and let you be the judge. I am Amelia Baker and this is my story.

I was that girl who was lucky enough to fit into a group, usually friends in each group are meant to see each other's as equals.

Not mine when being part of the group you are considered a follower not an equal but someone that did whatever the leader had asked. My group or should I say her group consisted of 7 people it was pretty crowded.

Everyone was paired up then there's me the odd one out. It used to be 8 but Nina dropped us and rushed to another group. I don't blame her though I would've done the same thing.

There is Jasmine, Lily, Madison, Beth, Lisa, Lola and me. We go to Silverwater high and we are currently in year 10 moving onto year 11 in 2 months.

I'm celebrating my 16th tonight.

Although it really isn't a big deal here in Australia our school acts as if it is.

Weirdly I am not the one who set up my party it was the girls, and I didn't even ask to have one. But I'm one of them now and they said I should start acting like an It girl. That's what the group is called the It girls. Sounds corny and lame but everyone in school seems to like it.

I was dressed in a little black dress that made my small boobs look like I have a decent set. Which was good because I'm always insecure about not having B cups like every other girl in school.

Being called flat made me feel unsatisfied with my body and I've tried everything to make them grow. Literally. I saw somewhere on the Internet applying Vaseline and massaging them every day helps them grow. Very disappointing that it didn't work.

As usual my mum says it'll grow eventually and everyone is different. But somehow, I've managed to not care about being an A cup but to embrace it as it is nothing to be ashamed of.

Anyways back to me getting ready for the party I decide to go natural and not apply makeup. As my eyebrows were full and dark and was in no need of filling in, face was clear. So, I just put on some lipgloss as it is better than lipstick and is so underrated.

Interrupting my focus Jasmine comes in, the leader of the It group and the rest follow.

"So, Amelia you remember what you have to do right?" Exclaims Jasmine.

Fuck I was hoping she'd forget about this stupid tradition.

"How could I forget?" I replied dryly. It was so stupid, the student tradition the group created long before I joined. For all their 16th birthdays they had to do one thing Jasmine asks, anything at all. As to her it shows loyalty when they do it. As for me she asked me to hook up with the utter most arrogant yet undeniably sexy badboy Dakota.

"Good because if you don't do it before 12 you're gone Amelia. You will no longer be an It girl." Jasmine says before leaving the room.

Everyone Jasmine invited was here by 7 so that meant I had five hours left to hook up with Dakota or else I'm out. I just need to get this over and done with. I search the house until I set my eyes on him. It's now or never.

I tap him on the shoulder, he turns and looks me up and down before nodding.

"Hey Amelia baby, I haven't seen you in awhile." Damn the name baby sends shivers down my spine especially when he says it.

"Like what you see?" I questioned. With all the confidence I had cutting straight to the point.

"Indeed, I do." Giving one of his famous smirks.

"Well what are you are going to do about it?" I hummed while looking at him innocently. Truth be told this will be my first kiss.

He leans in but I back away and look dead straight in his eyes "Not here, let's go to my bedroom."

"Fine by me babe." He says as I take his hand and start walking to my room but not before I take a glance at Jasmine who gives a nod of approval yet her face was in shock.

All eyes were on me as I was walking hand in hand with Dakota to my bedroom. While I can I take a good look at him. His 6 foot figure towers over me and those damn hazel eyes kill me.

He opens my door and is now leading me to my queen sized bed.

"Must be lonely being the only one on this big bed?" He questions.

"I suppose so."

"How about we change that tonight." He says in a suggestive tone with a killer smile.

Fuck I was really going to do this. I was going to make out with the badboy of the school.

He moves closer, his big hand placed on my thigh slowly creeping up and down which I found soothing. His face inches from mine, feeling his every breath he took, hearing his rapid heart beating.

I put my hand on his chest "Wait."

[authors note]

What would you do? This chapter relates to me as I was self-conscious of my boobs and I felt pressured into pleasing the leader of my group.

(P.S I really did try the Vaseline)

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