Day 7: Nightmare

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Thanks for the support so far everyone! Let me know if there is a prompt you want me to do.

Summary: Sasuke comforts Sakura when she wakes up from a vivid nightmare.

Fear was the one thing that ripped through Sakura. There was a strange man after her and her unborn child. Sakura couldn't find her husband anywhere. All Sakura knew was this man was after her baby and she wasn't going to let anything to hurt it. Sakura felt her body freeze at the sight of this man. She couldn't make out with he was saying. All of her fears were coming true. Someone was after their baby and she couldn't do anything to protect it.

She felt the man coming closer to her. The only word she heard out of the mean was "Sasuke Uchiha's child must be stopped." She felt a pang of pain in her abdomen, where her child was. "NO!"

"NO!" Sakura screams she tried healing herself and her baby. "Please."

"Sakura, wake up it's just a dream." Sakura heard her husband's voice filled with concern.

Sasuke Uchiha was a light sleeper, which meant waking him up wasn't hard. Sakura was still sleeping when he heard and felt movement from the bed, he thought it was Sakura getting up. Her pregnancy hasn't been a very pleasant experience for his wife. Sakura was only five months pregnant, their unborn had finally decided to calm down giving Sakura a break. Tonight that wasn't the case Sakura was suffering from a terrible nightmare.

Sasuke felt the bed sheets ruffle waking him up. Sakura's rip on the sheet grew tighter, making her knuckles turn white. Sasuke immediately noticed Sakura's discomfort. Then he realized Sakura was having a nightmare.

"Sakura." His voice still sounded groggy his shake her shoulder. She didn't budge.

"No." He heard her said. "Come on Sakura wake up," Sasuke repeated, his concern continues to grow.

"NO!" Sasuke heard Sakura scream. "Sakura, wake up it's just a dream." He shakes Sakura harder raising his voice a bit.

"NO! The baby!" Sakura shot her eyes open and sat up quickly making her hands go to the swell on her stomach where her baby was. "Please." Sasuke places his hand on her shoulder she flinched.

"Sakura it's me." Sakura looked up to see her husband. Sasuke saw the look on her face, whatever her dream was about she was terrified. Sasuke had never seen that look on his wife's face. "Sasuke-kun." Her voice was shaky.

Sasuke pulled his wife into his embrace. He felt her shake, what could of make her so scared. Sasuke knew Sakura had a nightmare. "Sakura it was just dreams. You're safe, you and the baby."

"I lost the baby." Sakura felt tears come out of her eyes, streaming down her face. Sasuke didn't say anything else. 'Did she have a dream that she miscarries the baby?' Sasuke thought.

"It was my fault. I couldn't protect our baby." Sasuke's grip on Sakura becomes tighter.

"Sakura whatever you dreamt of. It was just a dream. Sakura our baby is healthy. I know you'll keep it safe." Sakura heard her husband's words. She held onto Sasuke tighter.

"Someone was after the baby."

"Did you know who this person was.?"

"I can't remember his face."

"Whoever he is I won't let him hurt you or our baby." Sasuke held his wife as they lay back down. "You're safe Sakura." Sasuke put his hand on his wife's bump and rubbed it. "She hasn't started moving yet."

"Don't worry Sakura. She'll move when she wants to."

"I'm worried that I'm doing something wrong. She healthy I checked, but-

"Stop worrying she's fine."

"You need to quite scaring your mother," Sasuke said to his unborn child. At that moment she felt her baby kick for the first time.

"Sasuke the baby moved!" Sakura said excited and relieved. "I feel her too. See I told you she was fine." Sakura kissed her husband.

I hoped you all enjoyed it again I'm sorry this being late. I'll get things back on track. 

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