Day 14: Waiting

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Summary: Sasuke and Sakura's sixteen-year-old daughter Sarada goes on what was supposedly a simple mission with team seven ended turning into an S-rank mission. Sakura couldn't help but worry about their little peanut, even though she can handle herself. Mamakura just can't help herself and papasuke is there to comfort her. 

Sakura couldn't stop pacing, she was worried about her little girl. Sarada had told her parents that her mission would only take about two weeks or less but had been almost a month since she went on her mission. She couldn't get her mind off of something bad happening to her daughter or even more. Sarada has had many close calls before, but this time it was different or maybe it was just her mother's instincts that were messing with her. 

Usually, they would hear from Sarada by now if the mission was going to take longer than expected. If something had happened and she wasn't there...Sakura could never forgive herself. Sasuke could only watch his wife pacing, of course, he was worried about their little peanut. He always worried about Sarada when she went on a mission and their multiple times where she came back injuries or almost on brink of death. Being a parent of a shinobi came with a lot of worries and fears. Many times where you would lay awake wondering if you were going to see your child again. Being a shinobi himself understanding every aspect of being one the danger and sacrifice that comes along with being one. It doesn't escape the fact that never liked seeing his daughter coming home beaten up because the mission went wrong. 

This was an S-rank mission it was naturally dangerous, but Sarada and her team had been on plenty type of those before. Many times before the mission ended badly where they came home hurt. Sasuke knew that his daughter was extremely reckless especially when it came to those two idiot teammates of hers. She would be in life on the line for the both of them. Especially for the blonde student of his. Sasuke was even more worried about his wife being all worked up for this. She had never seemed this worried before about Sarada going on a mission. He had to figure out how to calm his wife before she burns holes into their rug, or going after their blonde idiot friend who sent her on the mission. 

"Sakura, Sarada will have a good reason to why the mission must be taking along than expected." Sasuke was hoping his words would calm down his wife, but knowing Sakura she needed to see their daughter again to know that the mission went somewhat successful. 

"They have never gone this long without sending word if something came up they would have to deal with it. I'm just worried, Naruto even said that he hasn't gotten any news." Sakura kept staring at the door, magically hoping that their daughter was going to walk through that front door. 

"Hn." Sasuke didn't want to add on to something that his wife already knew. It had been a couple of months since team seven had been on missions together, especially since all three of them nearly died, but that was due to the Kara ambushing them. He remembers all too vividly what kind of turmoil that be his daughter through taking most of the guilt. He was confident that everything was working out on her mission. He was just hoping nothing as that happens again. 

"Sasuke, I don't think I can take seeing her all beaten and on the brink of death. She has one too many close calls. I know it's apart of being a shinobi and it's part of the job, but see her like that scares me that one day we won't be lucky." 

"Isn't that why we are here to make sure she doesn't end up not making it back home." Sasuke put his hand on his wife's shoulder. He pulled her into a hug. "She also got those two teammates of hers that wouldn't let anything happen to her like that." 

"Yeah, you are right, it stills doesn't stop my worrying." It also didn't stop his worrying either. She was their everything, their little peanut made the both of them so happy. Every time he looks at her and when she smiles he remembers why he goes on those long missions. 

In their quiet moment together, the door knock twists opened, Sasuke sees his little peanut walk through the door with her two teammates right behind her.

"I'm home." He heard her tired voice. His wife slipped out of his embrace. 

"Sarada Welcome home! How was your mission?" 

"It was fine, nothing that team seven couldn't handle." As she slipped away from her team and took off her shoes. 

"See ya tomorrow, Sarada!" Boruto waved her bye and Mitsuki waved to her. 

"Goodnight, Boruto, Mitsuki!" She waved them goodbye. When Sarada up from taking off her shoes. Sasuke noticed something around her neck. It was that same necklace that his student always wears. When did she? When did he give that to her? How long has she had it? All of these questions all hitting Sasuke at once. That blonde-haired idiot! Sasuke thinks to himself, realizing what that could only mean. His little sweet Sarada and that idiot student of his were in a relationship. 

"Mama, Papa it's nice to see the both of you, but I'm going to go up to my room and rest."  

"Goodnight sweetie." Sarada went to her room, Sakura turned to see her husband. She sighs. "Don't even think about it!" As much she appreciates her husband's protectiveness of their daughter, but something it was overkill. 

"How long have you known?" 

"She before her mission. Dear, it is not as bad as you make it out to be. Sarada is old enough to have a boyfriend. You should be glad that it's Boruto, now just leave it alone let them be. She can't stay little forever." Sakura left to go to their bedroom. 

"Sakura, it's the dobe son. He is not good enough for her." Sakura sighs at her husband. 

"What's wrong with that and dear no one will ever be good enough for her in your eyes." Sasuke was in defeat when comes to his wife. 

Sarada hears their entire conversation from her bedroom. She rolled her eyes at her papa. She thanks her mama for incredible patience when it came to her papa. Sarada knew her poor boyfriend didn't stand a chance when it comes to her papa. 

Hopefully, everyone enjoyed this one-shot! I take requests and suggestions for one-shots. Just let me know, I am currently working on a SasuSaku story so that should be out at some point. 


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