Done For Me

408 11 4

"Maya! Don't walk away from me!" Riley yelled, grabbing my arm and yanking me back to her. I couldn't look at her, the idea of seeing her upset, made my stomach turn.  Especially knowing that I did hurt her and that her heart was broken because of me.

"How could you do that to me?" She asked, her tone harsh. Her beautiful brown eyes were shooting daggers at me. She had her arms crossed and you could practically see the smoke coming out of her ears. She was that upset. I tried to find something to say to her that wouldn't piss her off even more, but of course I couldn't. I mean, how could you tell the love of your life you weren't cheating on her when she caught you with her enemy since middle school in bed.

"Maya? I'm not talking to myself!" She yelled again. I sighed and shook my head. It was now or never. Even if she hated me more after this, it was the best thing to do. I got up from where I was sitting and walked over to her. She tapped her foot and waited for me to begin. I gave her a small smile and began. "Yes, Riley. I did cheat on you. But it was only because you've been so distant lately! Always working, you were never home and when you did manage to show up, you would be too tired for anything to happen between us! For fucks sakes Riley we've been married for two years and ever since our honeymoon, we haven't had any sexual intercourse! I'm sick and tired of it! I slept with Missy because you wouldn't do shit for our relationship or for me!"

Riley gasped and stood up, she was a lot taller than me and that made her intimidating, but I knew she wouldn't do anything. She was too nice. I waited for her to speak and after she studied me for a few minutes more, she finally did so. "I haven't done shit? Maya, I try my best to be a great wife! I work my ass off with disrespectful preteens everyday to bring food to our table! And yes, sometimes I do stay late and come home to sleep, but it's only because I'm exhausted from those kids! Of course I'd love to be intimate with you, gosh, I love you, but I always come home tired! I wake up too early and sleep late because of all the papers I have to grade! And instead of going behind my back and sleeping with someone you know I've always hated, you could have just talked to me about it! So don't tell me that I haven't done shit for me! Because then I'll have to ask you this: what have you done for me?!

THANK U ALL FOR 10k reads and 200 votes! I love u all <3

- M

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